Green Platform
“Grønn plattform” (Green Platform Initiative) is a new Norwegian initiative that provides companies and research institutes with funding for research and innovation-driven green transformation of the society. NOK 1 billion will be made available from the Norwegian government and will strengthen value creation and create more jobs, at the same time as it will contribute to a more sustainable society. Large interest has been shown in the new initiative, where more than 400 Norwegian companies and research institutes have applied to continue working on their green project ideas until the announcement in the autumn of 2021. In total 93 companies were awarded
300.000 NOK each for setting up consortiums towards the final application deadline in the autumn of 2021. Among these, RISE PFI receives support for two pre-projects:
Every year, we use about 222 000 tons of plastic packaging in Norway, of which about 90 000 tons are produced within Norway. In the NorEmballasje project RISE PFI will work closely together with two industry clusters, Woodworks! and Circular Packaging Cluster. The project will focus on developing new sustainable wood fiber packaging systems, with a working recycling system where the wood fibers are reused. The turnover related to the production of plastic packaging in Norway is currently about NOK 3 billion. New, bio-based packaging solutions on the market will provide great opportunities for Norwegian companies to increase its competitiveness in the European packaging market. For more information, or if you would like to get involved in this work, please take contact with Lars Johansson at RISE PFI: lars.johansson@rise-pfi.no

The Norwegian metallurgical industry has for a long time desired new technologies for more sustainable production with lower greenhouse gas emissions. In short term, the only option for reaching significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the industry is to replace fossil reducing agents with biobased ones. The purpose of Bio4Metal is to establish a platform for realizing production of biobased reducing agents for the metallurgical industry in Norway and at the same time develop new technology that will allow alternative use of contaminated organic waste fractions, thus enabling increased material recycling and better resource utilization. For more information, or if you want to be involved in this work, contact Kai Toven at RISE PFI: kai.toven@rise-pfi.no