Philip André Reme
Managing Director
Degree: Dr. ing. Chemical Engineering.
Activities:Â Management, initiation of new projects, legal matters, participation in project steering groups.
Main research focus: Mechanical pulping and new biobased materials.
Email: philip.reme@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 922 46 537
Arild Blakstad
Administration and financial manager
Kristin Syverud
Research Manager
Degree: Dr. ing.
Area: Nanocellulose and Carbohydrate Polymers
Activities: Production, characterization, chemical modification and applications of nanocellulose.
Email: kristin.syverud@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 959 03 740
Øyvind Eriksen
Laboratory Manager
Degree: PhD
Activities:Â Paper physics, production of paper and application of nanocellulose in paper. Competence in chemical and physical properties of fibre based products. Project manager of the COMPETENCE project.
Email: oyvind.eriksen@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 452 14 106
Eva Kvernes Rygg
Administration consultant
Degree: Graphic designer and engineer
Activities: Administration, graphic design and chemical analysis
Email: eva.kvernes.rygg@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 466 14 337
Sandra R. FabiÃ
Research Scientist
Degree: Phd
Activities:Â Production and characterization of nanocellulose. Competence in polymer chemistry and surface and colloid chemistry.
Email:Â sandra.fabia@rise-pfi.no
Phone: 47 932 36 247
Jost Ruwoldt
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD in Chemical Engineering
Activities:Â Colloid and polymer science, lignosulfonates, paraffin waxes and wax inhibition, biomass conversion.
E-mail: jost.ruwoldt@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 916 98 245
Marianne Ø. Dalheim
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD in Biotechnology
Acitivities: Conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into biochemicals and materials. Competence in biopolymer chemistry, chemical and enzymatic modification of polysaccharides and characterization of structural and material properties of polysaccharides.Â
E-mail: marianne.dalheim@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 922 58 362
Jennifer Zehner
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD in Biophysics
Acitivities: Competence in microscale characterization and testing of material properties of polymers, biopolymers, and nanocomposite materials.
E-mail: jennifer.zehner@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 465 08 927
Gary Chinga Carrasco
Senior Research Scientist
Degree: Dr. ing.
Focus area: Biopolymers and Biocomposites
Activities: Lead scientist in the topics biopolymers, biocomposites and 3D printing, and with close cooperation with industry and R&D groups. Coordination and management of multidisciplinary projects, working with biopolymers and biocomposites, characterization and application in biomedical research and industrial implementation.
Email: gary.chinga.carrasco@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 908 36 045
Kai Toven
Senior Research Scientist
Degree: Dr. ing.
Activities:Â Lead scientist Biorefining and bioenergy. Working within bioenergy, biofuels and biorefining since 2005. Project leader for industry oriented projects within thermochemical conversion of biomass by fast pyrolysis and torrefaction.
E-mail: kai.toven@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 952 11 704
Amalie Solberg
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD
Activities: Competence in biopolymer chemistry. Research into chemically modified polysaccharides, and polysaccharide-containing materials.
E-mail:Â amalie.solberg@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 466 12Â 275
Nanci Vanesa Ehman
Postdoctoral researcher
Degree: Dr. Ing
Activities: Development of biopolymers based on wood fibers and modified nanocellulose.
E-mail: nanci.vanesa.ehman@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 476 00Â 784
Eva Pasquier
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD
Activities: Preparation and characterization of biobased colloids. Development of fiber materials for packaging applications.
E-mail: eva.pasquier@rise-pfi.no
Phone: Â +47Â 475 19Â 520
Cornelis van der Wijst
Master of Science
Degree: MSc. Chemistry
Activities: Research into thermochemical processes and biorefining. Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and waste streams. Pyrolysis equipment development and process optimalisation. Biocarbon engineering.
E-mail:Â cornelis.vanderwijst@rise-pfi.no
Phone:Â +47 904 79 803
Mihaela T. Opedal
Senior Research Scientist
Degree: PhD
Activities:Â Project leader for biorefinery projects: pretreatment and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass, lignin conversion to value-added products and materials, production of fermentable sugars to protein from lignocellulose biomass. Process water chemistry and surface and colloid chemistry with application in pulp and paper industry.
E-mail: mihaela.opedal@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 918 79 630
Karthik Raghunathan
Research Scientist
Degree: PhD
Activities: Competence in surface and colloidal chemistry, crystallization, molecular dynamic simulations, synthesis, and characterization of nanoparticles.
E-mail: karthik.raghunathan@rise-pfi.no
Phone: Â +47 411 24 724
Marija Dubackic
Postdoctoral researcher
Degree: PhD in physical chemistry
Activities: Formation of cellulose block polymers and investigation of their self assembling properties
E-mail: marija.dubackic@rise-pfi.no
Christian Sant Gjermestad
Research Scientist
Competence: Competence in catalytic valorization of lignocellulosic biomass, mechanistic studies and computational chemistry
E-mail: christian.sant.gjermestad@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 458 89 703
Ellinor Bævre Heggset
Senior Research Scientist
Degree: PhD in Biotechnology
Activities: Competence in biopolymer chemistry. Production, characterization and applications of nanocellulose. Research on e.g. replacement of fossil-based plastics and biopolymers for use in food and biomedical sector.
E-mail: ellinor.heggset@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 415 40 253
Ingebjørg Leirset
Senior Engineer
Degree: Cand. mag.
Activities: Chemical analysis.
Email: ingebjorg.leirset@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 959 01 182
Merete Wiig
Senior Engineer
Degree: Bachelor Chemical Engineering
Activities: Chemical analysis
Email: merete.wiig@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 932 73 212
Berit Leinsvang
Senior Engineer
QA engineer
Activities:Â Structural, physical and optical characterization of pulp and paper, including standard laboratory equipment and SEM. Responsible for internal audits, quality assurance (QA), and health, safety and environment (HSE) areas at PFI.
E-mail:Â berit.leinsvang@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 977 07 644
Kenneth Aasarød
Senior Engineer
Degree: Bachelor Chemical Engineering
Activities and responsibilities: Thermogravimetric analysis including differential scanning calorimetry, thermal and physical properties of fiber based products and biocomposites, 3D-printing, production and characterization of nanocellulose, SEM
E-mail: kenneth.aasarod@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 996 08 953
Steinar Seehuus
Laboratory Technician
Degree: Laboratory technician
Activities: Various types of analysis in the laboratory. General maintenance of laboratories and equipment
Email: steinar.seehuus@rise-pfi-no
Phone: +47Â 916 20 386
Johnny K. Melbø
Laboratory Technician
Degree: Laboratory technician
Activities:Â General maintenance of laboratories and equipment. Also performing various types of analysis in the laboratory
Email: johnny.melbo@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 466 12 093
Kristin Stensønes
Activities:Â Laboratory work, different analysis, sheet forming, viscosity measurements and contact angle.
E-mail: kristin.stensones@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 958 93 998
Marita Dørdal Helgheim
Degree: Bachelor – Food Technology
Activities: Chemical analysis
E-mail: marita.dordal.helgheim@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 916 40 538
Eirik Risebrobakken
Degree: Bachelor in chemical engineering
Competence: Instrumental analysis and biopolymers. Microbial growth and metabolism.
Email: eirik.risebrobakken@rise-pfi.no
Phone: +47 975 92 620

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.
- Høgskoleringen 6b
- NO - 7491 Trondheim
- firmapost@rise-pfi.no
- +47 73 60 50 65