Contact: Kristin Syverud
3D Printed Engineered Nano-Composite Templates for Bone Regeneration
In Bone Tissue Engineering (BTE), 3D scaffolds (engineered biomaterials) loaded with stem cells are implanted into a patient’s damaged area to stimulate the natural bone-healing processes. Recently, the 3D printing technology has been introduced to create scaffolds similar to the natural bone of the patient. In 3DPRENT, scaffolds with specific designs from safe nanocellulose based composites will be built and seeded with living stem cells and growth factors to replace damaged bones. By combining 3D printing technology, nanotechnology and stem cells, it is not necessary to take a bone graft from another bone or search for a bone donor.

Research partners and funding:
Research partners
The University of Bergen (coordinator), RISE PFI, Department of Clinical Dentistry, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, National Research Council of Italy (ISTEC-CNR), Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC (Fraunhofer ISC), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), EnvisionTec GmbH, Vestlandets Innovasjonsselskap AS (VIS), DiaCoating GmbH
The Research Council of Norway