From plant biomass and sidestreams to tissue engineering and biocomposite production

In the context of space exploration, In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) is paramount for future endeavours like Mars transit habitats. Plant biomass, rich in cellulose, is such a versatile reusable resource for various applications, including the creation of inks for 3D printing scaffolds for cell culturing. Nanocellulose fibres from biomass streams can offer unprecedented improvements of recycled thermoplastics when combined into biocomposites, and tailored 3D-printed spare parts. Also, the extraction of nanocellulose and other biopolymers and active compounds from plant or side-stream biomass holds the potential to produce hydrogels for applications like 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering.

Hence, the project aims at a thorough review of existing waste streams against nanocellulose production from a chemical engineering and material standpoint. The study further includes the identification and evaluation of manufacturing technologies for nanocellulose and biocomposites, in terms of off-Earth manufacturing capabilities. This approach will facilitate the pinpointing of main technological gaps, allowing for the suggestion of potential solutions to bridge these gaps.

closing mechanism for liquid cartons

Research partners and funding:

Research partners

The project is a collaboration between CIRiS and RISE PFI.


The project is funded by ESA (The European Space Agency), through the Programme – Discovery

Project period: 2024 – 2025