Journal Articles
Rashad, A., Ojansivu, M., Afyounian, E., Heggset, E.B., Syverud, K., Mustafa, K.(2025) Effects of Chemical Pretreatments of Wood Cellulose Nanofibrils on Protein Adsorption and Biological Outcomes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2025 17 (6), 9173-9188, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5c00391
Ehman, N., Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Andreassen, E., Persson, A.-M. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2025). Effect of thermomechanical pulp fibers and clay on the characteristics of high- and low-density polyethylene biocomposites. Polymer Composites 2025, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.29632
Korkeamäki, JT., Rashad, A., Ojansivu, M., Karvinen, J., Koivisto, J.T., Syverud, K., Kellomaki, M., Miettinen, S., Mustafa, K.B.E. (2025) Systematic development and bioprinting of novel nanostructured multi-material bioinks for bone tissue engineering, IOP Science – Biofabrication. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd. DOI 10.1088/1758-5090/ada63b
Ruwoldt,J., Skunde, R., Tanase-Opedal, M., Syverud, K., (2025) Carboxylation of lignin by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and its use as emulsion stabilizer. Industrial Crops and Products ,Volume 223, January 2025, 120019
Journal Articles
Hermundsgård, D.H., Ghoreishi, S., Tanase-Opedal, M., Moe, S.T., Brusletto, R., and Barth, T., (2024) Maximizing Yields of Furfural and 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Side Streams from Steam Explosion of Lignocellulosic Residues, accepted Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining (BIOFPR-24-0068.R2.) https://scijournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bbb.2719
Ruwoldt, J., Skunde, R.; Tanase‑Opedal, M., Syverud, K. (2025) Carboxylation of lignin by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and its use as emulsion stabilizer, Industrial Crops & Products, 223, 120019.
Ruwoldt, J. (2024) Dataset of some added-lignin thermoformed pulps. Data in Brief, 57, 111176
Heen Blindheim, F.; Ruwoldt, J. (2024)Quantifying the Abundance of Alkane Moieties in Lignins with FTIR Spectroscopy and PLS Regression; Estimating Grafting Degree of Esterification, article in press at ChemSusChem. https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cssc.202400938
Pasquier, E., Mörseburg, K., Syverud, K., Ruwoldt, J. (2024)Effect of raw material and process conditions during the dry forming of CTMP fibers for molded pulp products, Journal of Natural Fibers, Volume 21, Issue 1, pages 1-16. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15440478.2024.2409890
Ruwoldt, J., Pasquier, E., Dalheim, M.Ø. (2024) Barrier coatings on dry-formed pulp with lignin, stearic acid, and combinations thereof. Progress in Organic Coatings, 197, 108804. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300944024005964?via%3Dihub
Azman Mohammad Taib, M. N., Rahman, M. M., Ruwoldt, J., Arnata, I. W., Sartika, D., Salleh, T. A. (2024) Recent progress in development of functionalized lignin towards sustainable applications, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Review Paper 18 June 2024 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10924-024-03338-x
Ruwoldt, J., Syverud, K., Tanase-Opedal, M. (2024) Purification of Soda Lignin, Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, 6, 100102 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2949839224000452?via%3Dihub
Cano, M.E., Lindgren, Å., Rosendahl, J., Johansson, J., Garcia-Martin, A., Ladero Galan, M., Kovensky, J. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024). Characterization of carboxylated cellulose nanofibrils and oligosaccharides from Kraft pulp fibers and their potential elicitor effect on the gene expression of Capsicum annuum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 267(2): 131229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131229
Ehman, N., Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Zehner, J. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024). Chemical compatibility between poly(ethylene) and cellulose nanofibers from kraft pulps containing varying amounts of lignin: An aqueous acetylation strategy and its effect on biocomposite properties. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 184, 108247 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108247
Chinga-Carrasco, G.; Ruwoldt, J.; Pasquier, E.; Dalheim, M. Ø.; Wieser, M. K. (2024)Development of a Beverage Carton Closure Cap Based on 100% Wood Pulp Fibres. J. Clean. Prod. 2024, 445 (February), 141339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141339
Heen Blindheim, F.; Syverud, K.; Ruwoldt, J.(2024) Lignin-Based Wax Inhibitors. Energy and Fuels 2024, 0–11. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c04768
Ruwoldt, J.; Handiso, B.; Dalheim, M. Ø.; Solberg, A.; Simon, S.; Syverud, K. (2024) Interfacial Adsorption of Oil-Soluble Kraft Lignin and Stabilization of Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Langmuir 2024. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03950
Korkeamäki, J. T. ; Rashad, A.; Berstad .K.; Weber.F.; Syverud. K.; Haugen. H. J.; Mustafa.K.; (2024) Biomimetic highly porous nanocellulose–nanohydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Cellulose 2024. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10570-024-05732-z
Ruwoldt, J., Chinga Carrasco, G., Tanase-Opedal M.,(2024) Sustainable Materials from Organosolv Fibers and Lignin, Kraft Fibers, and Their Blends. Polymers 2024, 16, 377. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/3/377
Tanase-Opedal M., Ghoreishi S., Hermundsgård H.D., Barth T., Moe T.S., Brusletto R., (2024): Steam explosion of lignocellulosic biomass residues for co-production of value-added chemicals and high-quality pellets, Biomass and Bioenergy 181, 107037; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2023.107037
King, A., Paajanen, A., Mahlamäki, E., Mäkelä, M., Penttilä,P., Leino, M., Spönla, E., Svanberg, M., Koso, T., Tanaka, A., Liukkonen,V., Solberg, A., Savolainen, A., Orelma, H., Korpela, A., Syverud, K., Harlin, A. (2024): Controlled surface acetylation of cellulosics to tune biodegradability while expanding their use towards common petrochemical-based plastics, Chem Rxiv, 20 February 2024, Version 1. https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/65cf8684e9ebbb4db982f166
Conferences and seminars
Filgueira, D., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024). The potential of wood pulp fibres in 3D-formed products. CELLIENCE webinar, Cellulose Valley Chair (France), December 12th, 2024. Invited.
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024) “Applications of Wood Pulp Fibers in Innovative Products”. Online seminar “Courses in Paper and Cardboard Manufacturing” organized by the National University of Misiones Argentina, in collaboration with the Association of Cellulose and Paper Manufacturers, November 28th, 2024. Invited.
Filgueira, D., Garcia, J., Tejado, A., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024). Thermoforming of high-yield pulp: Effect of enzymatic hydrophobization. Iberoamerican Congress of Pulp and Paper Research (CIADICYP), November 4 to 7, 2024, Concepción Chile.
Ehman, N., Rodriguez-Fabià, S., Zehner,J., Chinga-Carrasco,G. (2024). An aqueous acetylation strategy and its effect on poly(ethylene) biocomposites properties. “Young Researchers in Science and Technology of Lignocellulosic Materials”, Iberoamerican Congress of Pulp and Paper Research (CIADICYP), November 4 to 7, 2024, Concepción Chile.
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2024). “Innovative products from Wood Pulp fibers”. Iberoamerican Congress of Pulp and Paper Research (CIADICYP), November 4 to 7, 2024, Concepción Chile. Invited Keynote.
Tanase-Opedal, M.; Syverud, K.; Ruwoldt, J. (2024) Increased value creation of agricultural side streams, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2024, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, October 15 – 17. Poster presentation.
Ruwoldt, J. (2024) Oil-soluble lignin surfactants, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2024, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, October 15 – 17. Oral presentation.
Syverud, K. (2024) Designing bio-based materials with functionalized nanocellulose, invited speaker to The Fujihara International Symposium on Nanocellulose, 30 Sep. – 3 Oct. 2024
Ruwoldt, J. (2024) Exploring New Applications for Lignin-Nanoparticle Systems, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, Trondheim, Norway, September 11 – 12. Oral presentation.
Syverud, K. (2024)Tailoring bio-based materials with functionalized nanocellulose”, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Pasquier, E. (2024)Implementation of end-of-life analysis methods for cellulose-based products, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Raghunathan, K. (2024)From simulation to solutions: Computational strategies for nanocellulose and bio-based molecule research, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Tanase-Opedal, M. (2024) The potential of microalgae as a source of cellulose and nanocellulose, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Ehman, N.(2024) Effect of lignin content on the multistage mechanical fibrillation of kraft pulps and on the aqueous acetylation of the nanofibers, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Solberg, A. (2024) Self-assembling alginate-based block polymers, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Dalheim, M.Ø. (2024) Self-assembling cellulose-based block polymers for layered structures, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research, RISE PFI, Trondheim, 11 – 12 September 2024
Solberg, A. , Pasquier, E., Ladero, M., Gallardo, E. and Chinga Carrasco, G.(2024)«Biopolymer-based inks for 3D-printing» Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials, Helsingør, 23 – 26 april 2024.
Tanase-Opedal, M.(2024) Fermented Future: Exploring sustainable protein sources, The NTNU Alt Protein Project – Gjesteforelesning, April 16, 2024, Gløshaugen, Realfabygget (R10),Trondheim.
Syverud, K.(2024): Exploring the applications of nanocellulose dispersions in industrial fluids, foodstuffs, and the medical field. invited speaker in the Anselme Payen Award Symposium, at the American Chemical Society spring conference in New Orleans, 17 – 21 March 2024.
Tanase-Opedal M. (2024): Forelesing til Trøndelag høyre yrkesfagskole (THYF) – Sustainable single cell protein from lignocellulose biomass as feed ingredient, 19 Mars 2024, hos Trøndelag høre yrkesfagskole, Byåsen, Trondheim
Dalheim, M.Ø., Leirset,I.,(2024)«Veien videre» – karrieredag for Bachelor i kjemiingeniør og materialteknologi ved NTNU, 14. februar 2024.
Lund.S.J., Brautaset T., Prez-Garcia F., Tanase-Opedal M., 2024 “Utilization of alternative feedstocks in microbial cultivation to produce value-added compounds – The path to a circular bioeconomy”, 11-13 september 2024, Stavanger, Poster at Norwegia Graduate School in Biocatalysis Annual Conference,
Journal Articles
Blindheim, F. H.; Ruwoldt, J. (2023) The Effect of Sample Preparation Techniques on Lignin Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Polymers (Basel). 2023, 15 (2901). The Effect of Sample Preparation Techniques on Lignin Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy – PubMed (nih.gov)
Ruwoldt, J.; Dørdal Helgheim, M.; Tanase-Opedal, M.; Syverud, K. (2023) UV-Spectrophotometry Dataset of Technical Lignin in Solution after Aging and Looped Measurements. Data Br. 2023, 50, 109549. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109549.
Pasquier, E., Skunde,R., Ruwoldt, J. (2023) Influence of temperature and pressure during thermoforming of softwood pulp, Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts. Volume 8, Issue 4, November 2023, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2369969823000609
Joseph, P., Tanase-Opedal M., Moe T.S. (2023) Polymer properties of softwood organosolv lignins produced in two different reactor systems, Biopolymers, https://doi.org/10.1002/bip.23566
Hui, I., Pasquier, E., Solberg, A., Agrenius, K., Håkansson, J., Chinga Carrasco, G. (2023)Biocomposites containing poly(lactic acid) and chitosan for 3D printing – Assessment of mechanical, antibacterial and in vitro biodegradability properties. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Volume 147, November 2023, 106136 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751616123004897
Ulsaker Jacobsen, E., Prang Følkner, S., Blindheim, J., Molteberg, D., Steinert, M., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023) The effect of cellulose nanofibres on dewatering during wet-forming and the mechanical properties of thermoformed specimens made of thermomechanical and Kraft pulps. Nanomaterials 2023, 13(18), 2511; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13182511
Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Zarna, C., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023) A comparative study of kraft pulp fibres and the corresponding fibrillated materials as reinforcement of LDPE- and HDPE-biocomposites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Vol. 173, 107678 (2023). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359835X23002543
Pasquier, E., Rosendahl, J., Solberg, A., Ståhlberg, A., Håkansson, J., Chinga Carrasco, G. (2023) Polysaccharides and Structural Proteins as Components in Three-Dimensional Scaffolds for Breast Cancer Tissue Models: A Review, Bioengineering 2023, 10(6), 682; https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5354/10/6/682
Ruwoldt, J., Blindheim, F.H., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023) Functional surfaces, films, and coatings with lignin – a critical review. RSC Advances Issue 18, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2RA08179B
Chinga-Carrasco, G., Pasquier, E., Solberg, A., Leirset, I., Stevanic J.S., Rosendahl, J., Håkansson, J. (2023) Carboxylated nanocellulose for wound healing applications – Increase of washing efficiency after chemical pre-treatment and stability of homogenized gels over 10 months. Carbohydrate Polymers Volume 314, 15 August 2023, 120923. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144861723003880
Michel, B.,Heggset, E. B.,Sillard, C., Syverud, K.,Dufresne, A., Bras, J. (2023) Drug release and antimicrobial property of Cellulose Nanofibril/β-Cyclodextrin/Sulfadiazine films, Cellulose, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-023-05135-6
Rashad, A., Grøndahl, M., Heggset, E.B., Mustafa, K., Syverud, K. (2023) Responses of Rat Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Nanocellulose with Different Functional Groups, ACS Appl. Bio Mater.2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.2c00794
Zarna, C., Chinga-Carrasco,G., and Echtermeyera T, A. (2023) Biocomposite panels with unidirectional core stiffeners − 3-point bending properties and considerations on 3D printing and extrusion as a manufacturing method. Composite Structures Volume 313, 1 June 2023, 116930. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026382232300274X?via%3Dihub
Rosendahl, J., Zarna, C., Håkansson, J. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023) Gene-Expression Analysis of Human Fibroblasts Affected by 3D-Printed Carboxylated Nanocellulose Constructs, Bioengineering 2023, https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5354/10/1/121#
Zarna, C., Chinga-Carrasco, G. and Echtermeyera T, A., (2023) Bending properties and numerical modelling of cellular panels manufactured from wood fibre/PLA biocomposite by 3D printing, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359835X22005498?via%3Dihub
Book Chapters
Tanase-Opedal, M. (2023)Biopolymers as Coating Additives for Engineered Wood Products | IntechOpen, in Current Applications of Engineered Wood, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113049
Conferences and seminars
Dalheim, M.Ø. (2023). «Biobased Packaging Barriers – Research & Innovation at RISE PFI”, NOBIPOLs juleseminar, December 20th , Trondheim, Norway
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023). “Wood Fibre Closure Caps for Beverage Carton: Wet-Thermoforming & Surface Modification to Reduce Liquid Absorption. Functional Fiber-based Material & Packaging”, October 10-12, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Invited).
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023). “Insights into the characteristics of carboxylated nanocellulose and its relevance in wound treatment”. First International STIMULUS Conference on Smart antimicrobial & Sensing Materials, September 27 – 29, Darmstadt, Germany (Invited).
Syverud, K. (2023)” Nanocellulose in tissue engineering – effects of surface chemistry”.The 5th International Cellulose Conference, September 26-28, Hiroshima, Japan.
Rodriguez Fabia, S., Ehman,N., Chinga Carrasco, G. (2023) “Wood pulp fibres and nanocellulose as reinforcement of biocomposites – Effects of lignin content”. Plast- og komposittkonferansen,14.09 – 15.09.2023, Gjøvik, Norway.
Rodriguez Fabia, S., Zarna,C., Chinga Carrasco, G. (2023) “The reinforcing ability of kraft pulp fibres and the corresponding cellulose nanofibrils in high- and low-density polyethylene” 3rd International Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materials (IWBLCM 2023), September 12-15, Cordoba, Spain.
Syverud, K. (2023) “Application of nanocellulose dispersions in industrial fluids, foodstuff, and the medical field”. 3rd International Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materials (IWBLCM 2023), September 12-15, Cordoba, Spain.
Chinga Carrasco, G.(2023) “Biopolymers and 3D printing of scaffolds for biomedical applications”, 1st Edition 3D Bioprinting and Cell Culture Course, Granada, Spain, 13 June.
Rodriguez Fabia, S. (2023)Biobased packaging- The role of lignocellulose. BioBased Coatings Europe 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6 – 7 June.
Chinga Carrasco, G., Pasquier, E., Rosendahl, J., Solberg, A., Ståhlberg, A., Håkansson, J. (2023) “Biopolymer-based 3D-printed scaffolds”, 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, in the “GS01-Global Symposium on Nanocellulose: Recent advances to unlock potential for Engineered Sustainable Materials”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4-8 June. Invited Keynote.
Solberg, A., Pasquier, E., Ciftci, G.C., Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023)“Biopolymer-based inks for 3D printing”. 16th Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials, Røros, Norway, 21-24 March.
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2023) “Cellulose fibers – From nature to naturally applied in 3D printing for the biomedical sector”. National Conference for Additive Manufacturing NCAM2023, Trondheim, Norway, 20-22 March.
Syverud, K. (2023) “Nanocellulose in tissue engineering – effects of surface chemistry “, Polymer-based materials today and in the future, the Norwegian Chemical Society at Høsbjør, March 2 – 3.
Syverud, K. (2023) “Tuning the surface energy of cellulosic materials”, meeting arranged by the Vinnova competence centre, FiBre, 16 March, KTH, Stockholm.
Journal Articles
Ruwoldt, J., Tanase-Opedal, M., Syverud, K. (2022) Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry of Lignin Revisited: Exploring Solvents with Low Harmfulness, Lignin Purity, Hansen Solubility Parameter, and Determination of Phenolic Hydroxyl Groups. ACS Omega. 2022, 7(50), 46371-46383. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.2c04982
Torstensen, J., Ottesen, V., Rodríguez‑Fabià, S, Syverud, K., Johansson, L. and Lervik, A. (2022) The influence of temperature on cellulose swelling at constant water density. Scientifc Reports, (2022) 12, 20736, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22092-5
Michel, B., Heggset, E.B., Syverud, K., Dufresne, A. and Bras, J. (2022) Inclusion complex formation between sulfadiazine and various modified β-cyclodextrins and characterization of the complexes, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 76, 103814, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jddst.2022.103814.
Solberg, A., Zehner, J., Somorowsky, F., Rose, K., Korpela A. and Syverud K. (2022) Material properties and water resistance of inorganic-organic polymer coated cellulose paper and nanopaper, Cellulose 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-022-04925-8.
Ruwoldt, J., and Toven, K. (2022) Alternative wood treatment with blends of linseed oil, alcohols and pyrolysis oil, Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 7(4), 278-287
Tanase-Opedal M. and Ruwoldt J. (2022) Organosolv lignin as a green sizing agent for thermoformed pulp products, accepted for publication in ACS Omega
Moe, S.T., Marcotullio G., Tanase-Opedal, M. and Brusletto, R. (2022) Formation of 5-methylfurfural and 2-acetylfuran from lignocellulosic biomass and by Cr3+-catalyzed dehydration of 6-deoxyhexoses, Carbohydrate Research 522, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2022.108672
Zarna, C., Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Echtermeyer, A.T. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2022) Influence of Compounding Parameters on the Tensile Properties and Fibre Dispersion of Injection-Moulded Polylactic Acid and Thermomechanical Pulp Fibre Biocomposites. Polymers 2022, 14(20), 4432. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14204432 https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/20/4432
Tewari, A., Huerta,,H., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Hindersland, L.K., Ranta, S., Pettersson, F., Österbacka, R. and Toivakka, M. (2022) Low-Cost Dielectric Sheets for Large-Area Floor Sensing Applications. Flexible and Printed Electronics, 7(4). https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-8585/ac968b/meta
Zarna, C., Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Echtermeyer, A.T. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2022) Preparation and characterisation of biocomposites containing thermomechanical pulp fibres, poly(lactic acid) and poly(butylene-adipate-terephthalate) or poly(hydroxyalkanoates) for 3D and 4D printing. Additive Manufacturing 59, Part B, November 2022, 103166. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214860422005553?via%3Dihub
Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Torstensen, J., Johansson, L., Syverud, K. (2022) Hydrophobisation of lignocellulosic materials part II: chemical modification. Cellulose, 29, 8957-8995
El Miri, N., Heggset, E.B., Wallsten, S., Svedberg, A., Syverud, K. and Norgren, M. (2022) A comprehensive investigation on modified cellulose nanocrystals and their films properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 998-1008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.08.057
Joseph, P., Ottesen, V., Tanase-Opedal, M. and Moe, S.T. (2022) Morphology of lignin Structures on fiber surfaces after organosolv pretreatment, Biopolymers 2022, e23520. https://doi.org/10.1002/bip.23520
Ghoreishi, S., Løhre, C., Hermundsgård, D.H., Molnes, L.J., Tanase-Opedal, M., Brusletto, R. and Barth, T. (2022) Identification and quantification of valuable platform chemicals in aqueous product streams from a preliminary study of large pilot-scale steam explosion of woody biomass using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-02712-w
Ruwoldt J. and Tanase-Opedal M. (2022) Green materials from added-lignin thermoformed pulps, Industrial Crops and Products, 185, 115102. org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115102
Fall, A., Henriksson, M, Karppinen, A, Opstad, A, Heggset, E and Syverud, K (2022) The effect of ionic strength and pH on the dewatering rate of cellulose nanofibril dispersions, Cellulose, 29, 7649-7662. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-022-04719-y
Rodríguez-Fabià S., Torstensen J., Johansson L., and Syverud, K. (2022) Hydrophobisation of lignocellulosic materials part I: physical modification. Cellulose 29, 5375–5393. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-022-04620-8
Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Torstensen, J., Johansson, L. and Syverud, K. (2022) Hydrophobisation of lignocellulosic materials part III: modification with polymers. Cellulose, 29, 5943-5977. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-022-04660-0
Tarrés, Q., Kvakland Melbø, J., Delgado-Aguilar, M., Espinach, F.X., Mutjé P. and Chinga-Carrasco G. (2022) Micromechanics of Tensile Strength of Thermo-mechanical Pulp Reinforced Poly(lactic) Acid Biodegradable Composites. Journal of Natural Fibers, 2022. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15440478.2021.1993419
Rodríguez-Fabià S. and Chinga-Carrasco G.. (2022) Effects of a poly(hydroxyalkanoate) elastomer and kraft pulp fibres on biocomposite properties and three-dimensional (3D) printability of filaments for fused deposition modelling, Journal of Bioresources and Bioproduct, 7(3), 161-172. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2369969822000226
Dudek, M., J. Ruwoldt, J., and Øye, G. (2022) Characterization and assessment of wax and wax inhibitors systems in microfluidic oil-in-water coalescence experiments. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 636, 128186. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927775721020550?via%3Dihub
Book chapters
Ruwoldt, J. (2022) Emulsion stabilization with lignosulfonates, in Lignin – chemistry, Structure and Application, https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/83868.
Conferences and seminars
Celaya-Romeo, J. (2022) “Recycling of medium density fibreboards (MDF)”, WoodWorks! webinaruke: «Optimal utnyttelse av sidestrømmer», 23. nov, Webinar, Norway
Dalheim, M.Ø. og Solberg A. (2022) «Videreforedling av reststrømmer fra Trøndersk kornproduksjon – en mulighetsstudie», WoodWorks! webinaruke: «Optimal utnyttelse av sidestrømmer», 23. nov, Webinar, Norway
Syverud, K. (2022) “NORCELlab: The Norwegian Cellulose Laboratory”, Treforedlingsforum, 23. November, Oslo, Norge
Tanase-Opedal, M. andRuwoldt, J. (2022) «Sustainable organosolv lignin polymer in thermoformed fiber products», oral presentation, Nordic Wood biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2022, October 27.-27., Helsinki, Finland.
Ruwoldt, J. and Tanase-Opedal, M. (2022) «UV Spectrophotometry of Lignin Revisited – Exploring Solvents with Low Toxicity», poster presentation, Nordic Wood biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2022, October 25.-27., Helsinki, Finland.
Syverud, K. (2022) “Nanocellulose dispersions – towards industrial applications”, Gløshaugen akademiske klubb, October 20th, Trondheim, Norway
Tanase-Opedal, M. (2022) «Produksjon av SCCP i en integrert bioraffineriprosess», oral presentation, Havbruk 2022, October 19.-21., Bergen, Norway
Dalheim, M.D. (2022) “Biobased packaging – Research and Innovation at RISE PFI”, oral presentation, Cubico Bio-based packaging day, October 19th, online seminar
Syverud, K. (2022) “CNF dispersions – towards industrial applications”, oral presentation, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research – production characterization and applications, October 5.-6., Trondheim, Norway
Rodríguez-Fabià, S. (2022) “Hydrophobization of cellulose: current trends and challenges”, oral presentation, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research – production characterization and applications, October 5.-6., Trondheim, Norway
Pasquier, E. (2022) “Conception of multilayer biobased films with high oxygen and water vapor barrier for food packaging applications”, oral presentation, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research – production characterization and applications, October 5.-6., Trondheim, Norway
Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2022) “Is aperiod of 10 years sufficient to develop a nanocellulose wound dressing product”, oral presentation, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research – production characterization and applications, October 5.-6., Trondheim, Norway
Solberg, A. (2022) “Properties of inorganic-organic polymer coated paper and nanopaper”, oral presentation, Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research – production characterization and applications, October 5.-6., Trondheim, Norway
Chinga-Carrasco, G.(2022) «Biokompositter – Fra lab til implementering». Invitert foredragsholder, Plast og komposittkonferansen. September 28-29, Sandane, Norway.
Syverud, K. (2022) “Nanocellulose in tissue engineering – effects of surface chemistry”, Materials from biomass – Summer school (NTNU / University of Bucharest), 16th September, Trondheim, Norway
Zarna, C., Rodríguez-Fabià, S., Echtermeyer, A. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2022) “Influence of compounding parameters on the tensile properties and fibre dispersion of injection moulded polylactic acid (PLA) and TMP fibre biocomposites”, oral presentation, CIADICYP 2022 Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research, Biocomposite session, June 28th – July 1st, Girona, Spain.
Rodríguez-Fabià, S. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2022) “The effects of biocomposite formulations on the mechanical properties and 3D printability of filaments for fused deposition modelling”, oral presentation, CIADICYP 2022 Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research, Biocomposite session, June 28th – July 1st, Girona, Spain.
Chinga-Carrasco G. (2022) “Nanocellulose – The little giant in the biomedical area”. Invited keynote (In Spanish), NANOCELIA Workshop, June 27th, Girona, Spain.
Rodríguez-Fabiá, S. (2022) «Trøndersk fiber til tekstil: Resirkulering av tekstil fra bomull»., oral presentation, Webinaruka i WoodWorks! Cluster: «KAMPEN OM RÅVARENE – HVORDAN SKAL SKOG- OG TRENÆRINGA LØSE FRAMTIDENS UTFORDRINGER?» June 16th, webinar.
Rashad, A, Grøndahl, M, Heggset, EB, Mustafa, K, Syverud, K. (2022) “The effect of surface chemistry modification of wood-based nanocellulose on rat stem cell response”, TAPPI Nano, 13-17 June, Helsinki, Finland
Syverud, K. (2022) “Emballasje for fremtiden: Biobasert og nedbrytbar”, Emballasjeforeningen, 11. mai, Karlstad, Sverige
Tanase-Opedal M. (2022) «FISK- Uttesting av GROT som fiskefôr», oral presentation, BGINN Seminar, March 31st – April 1st, Bodø, Norway.
Tanase-Opedal M. (2022) «Skogvirke for utvinning av cellulosesukker og sukkerbasert produksjon av proteiner», Oral presentation, Seminar: Norske Løsninger for sirkulær økonomi, March 24th, Steinkjer, Norway https://vimeo.com/693479736/808f1f2bc0.
Pettersen I., Dombu S.V., Standal I.B. and Tanase-Opedal M. (2022) «Bakterier og insektlarver kan avhjelpe matkrisen», Dagens Næringsliv, March 23rd, https://www.dn.no/innlegg/mat/ernaring/forsyningskrise/innlegg-bakterier-og-insektlarver-kan-avhjelpe-matkrisen/2-1-1189627
Journal Articles
Chinga-Carrasco G, Zarna C, Rodríguez-Fabià S, Leirset I, Tanase-Opedal M, Molteberg D, Echtermeyer A and Hindersland LK. Side streams from flooring laminate production – Characterisation and recycling in biocomposite formulations for injection moulding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Ioana Chiulan, Ellinor Bævre Heggset, Ştefan Ioan Voicu, Gary Chinga-Carrasco (2021). Photopolymerization of Bio-Based Polymers in a Biomedical Engineering Perspective. Biomacromolecules 2021, 22, 5, 1795–1814, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.biomac.0c01745
Knutsen MF, Agrenius K, Ugland H, Petronis S, Haglerod C, Håkansson J and Chinga-Carrasco G. Oxygenated nanocellulose – A material platform for antibacterial wound dressing devices. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4, 10, 7554–7562
Michel B, Imberty A, Heggset EB, Syverud K, Bras J and Dufresne A. Adsorption characterization of various modified β-cyclodextrins onto TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibril membranes and cryogels. Sustainable chemistry and pharmacy 24, 100523
Aaen R, Lehtonen M, Mikkonen KS and Syverud K. Combining cellulose nanofibrils and galactomannans for enhanced stabilization of future food emulsions. Cellulose (2021)
Rosendahl J, Svanström A, Berglin M, Petronis S, Bogestål Y, Stenlund P, Standoft S, Ståhlberg A, Landberg G, Chinga-Carrasco G and Håkansson J. 3D Printed nanocellulose scaffolds as a cancer cell culture model system. Bioengineering 8(7), 97
Zarna C, Opedal MT, Echtermeyer AT and Chinga-Carrasco G, Reinforcement ability of lignocellulosic components in biocomposites and their 3D printed applications – A review. Composites Part C, 6, 100171, open access
van der Wijst C, Ghimire N, Bergland WH, Toven K, Bakke R and Eriksen Ø, Improving carbon product yields in biocarbon production by combining pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. BioResources 16(2), 3964-3977
Svanström A, Rosendahl J, Salerno S, Leiva MC, Gregersson P, Berglin M, Bogestål Y, Lausmaa J, Oko A, Chinga-Carrasco G, Petronis S, Standoft S, Stahlberg A, Håkansson J and Landberg G, Optimized alginate-based 3D printed scaffolds as a model of patient derived breast cancer microenvironments in drug discovery. Biomedical materials 16, 045046
Chinga-Carrasco G, Johansson J, Heggset EB, Leirset I, Björn C, Agrenius K, Stevanic JS, Håkansson J, Characterization and antimicrobial properties of autoclaved carboxylated wood nanocellulose. Biomacromolecules 22(7), 2779-2789
Joseph P, Opedal MT and Moe ST, The O-factor: using the H-factor concept to predict the outcome of organosolv pretreatment. Biomass conversion and biorefinery 2021
Book chapters
Chinga-Carrasco G, Rosendahl J and Catalán J, Nanocelluloses – nanotoxocology, safety aspects and 3D bioprinting, In: Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2021), 50 pp
Ehman NV, Ponce de León A, Felissia F, Vallejos N, Area MC and Chinga-Carrasco G, Biocomposites of polyhydroxyalkanoates and lignocellulosic components – focus on biodegradation and 3D-printing, In: Bioplastics for sustainabledevelopment, Springer (2021)
Chinga-Carrasco G, Biocomposite inks for 3D-printing. Bioengineering 2021, 200 pp
Garcia-Martin, A., Ladero, M, Santos V.E, Villar, JC, Gomez, N, Vergara, P., Perez, R, Navascues, E, Kovensky, J, Cano, ME, Lesur, D, Chinga-Carrasco G, Cordes, A, Le Guern, Y, Pousse, M. “Sustainable Production from Agricultural Residues of Chemicals and Elicitors: SPAREC Project”. ECCE-ECAB September 20-23 (2021).
Chiara Zarna, Mihaela Tanase Opedal, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco (2021). MICROMECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF WOOD FIBRE-REINFORCED BIOCOMPOSITES. ICNF 2021 – 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers. Online.
Tanase-Opedal M, Skogbasert biomasse for proteinproduksjon i en sirkulær økonomi, InnovArena, Rørvik, Norway, September 15 – 16, 2021. Oral presentation
Tanase-Opedal M, Process for production of fish and animal feed from wood biomass, Grønn omstilling – først til framtida – WoodWorks! Cluster konferanseuke, Norway, May 3 – 7, 2021, digital. Oral presentation
Nenningsland A, Verdiskapende oppgradering av kjemikalier fra bark i Midt-Norge, Grønn omstilling – først til framtida – WoodWorks! Cluster konferanseuke, Norway, May 3 – 7, 2021, digital. Oral presentation
Ruwoldt J, Plasterstatning ved ligninrest i termoformet fibermaterial, Grønn omstilling – først til framtida – WoodWorks! Cluster konferanseuke, Norway, May 3 – 7, 2021, digital. Oral presentation
Journal Articles
McDonagh, B. and Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2020). Characterization of Porous Structures of Cellulose Nanofibrils Loaded with Salicylic Acid. Polymers 12, 2538. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12112538
Ruwoldt J (2020) A Critical Review of the Physicochemical Properties of Lignosulfonates: Chemical Structure and Behavior in Aqueous Solution, at Surfaces and Interfaces. Surfaces, 3(4), 622-48
Lungu A, Cernencu AI, Dinescu S, Balahura R, Mereuta P, Costache M, Syverud K, Stancu IC and Iovu H, Nanocellulose-enriched hydrocolloid-based hydrogels designed using a Ca2+ free strategy based on citric acid, Materials and design 197(2021), 109200
Ita-Nagy D, Vázquez-Rowe I, Kahhat R, Chinga-Carrasco G and Quispe I (2020) Rewieving environmental life cycle impacts of biobased polymers: current trends and methodological challenges, The international journal of life cycle assessment 25, 2169
Ottesen V and Syverud K, Swelling of individual cellulose nanofibrils in water, role of crystallinity: An AFM study, Cellulose 2020.
Helberg RML, Torstensen JØ, Dai Z, Janakiram S, Chinga-Carrasco G, Gregersen ØW, Syverud K and Deng L, Nanocomposite membranes with high-charge and size-screened phosphorylated nanocellulose fibrils for CO2 separation, Green Energy and Environment, 2020.
Ruwoldt J, and Øye G, Effect of Low Molecular Weight Alcohols on Emulsion Stabilization with Lignosulfonates. ACS Omega, 2020.
Simon S, Saadat M, Ruwoldt J, Dudek M, Ellis RJ and Øye G, Lignosulfonate in Crude Oil Processing: Interactions with Asphaltenes at the Oil/Water Interface and Screening of Potential Applications. ACS Omega, 2020.
Ostadi M, Paso KG, Rodriguez-Fabia S, Øi LE, Manenti F and Hillestad M, Process Integration of Green Hydrogen: Decarbonization of Chemical Industries, Energies 2020, 13 (18), 4859.
Hjelmeland BM and Chinga-Carrasco G, Characterization of porous structures of cellulose nanofibrils loaded with salicyclic acid, Polymers 2020, 12(11), 2538.
Ferritsius R, Sandberg C, Ferritsius O, Rundlöf M, Daniel G, Mörseburg K and Fernando D, Development of fibre properties in mill scale high- and low consistency refining of thermomechanical pulp (Part 1), Nordic pulp and paper research journal 2020 ahead of print.
Aadland RC, Akarri S, Heggset EB, Syverud K and Torsæter O, A core flood and microfluidics investigation of nanocellulose as a chemical additive to water flooding for EOR, Nanomaterials 2020, 10(7), 1296.
Campodoni E, Montanari M, Dozio SM, Heggset EB, Panseri S, Montesi M, Tampieri A, Syverud K and Sandri M, Blending gelatin and cellulose nanofibrils: Biocomposites with tunable degradability and mechanical behavior, Nanomaterials 2020, 10(6), 1219.
Ehman NV, Ita-Nagy D, Felissia FE, Vallejos ME, Quispe I, Area MC and Chinga-Carrasco G, Biocomposites of Bio-Polyethylene Reinforced with a Hydrothermal-Alkaline Sugarcane Bagasse Pulp and Coupled with a Bio-Based Compatibilizer, Molecules 2020, 25(9), 2158.
Heggset EB, Aaen R, Veslum T, Henriksson M, Simon S and Syverud K, Cellulose nanofibrils as rheology modifier in mayonnaise – A pilot scale demonstration, Food Hydrocolloids, 108, 106084.
Michel B, Bras J, Dufresne A, Heggset EB and Syverud K, Production and mechanical characterization of TEMPO-oxidised cellulose nanofibrils/β-cyclodextrin films and cryogels, Molecules 2020, 25, 2381.
Ita-Nagy D, Vázquez-Rowe A, Kahhat R, Quispe I, Chinga-Carrasco G, Clauser NM and Area MC, Life cycle assessment of bagasse fiber reinforced biocomposites, Science of The Total Environment 2020, 720, 137586.
Carlström IE, Rashad A, Campodoni E, Sandri M, Syverud K, Bolstad AI and Mustafa K, Cross-linked gelatin-nanocellulose scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, Materials Letters 264 (2020), 127326.
Joseph P, Opedal MT and Moe S, “O” factor: Using the H factor concept to predict the outcome of organosolv pretreatment, Nordic Wood Biorefinery conference, October 13-15, 2020, digital. Poster presentation.
Chinga-Carrasco G, Properties of carboxylated cellulose nanofibrils and application in advanced wound dressings, International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. February 18-20, 2020. Oral presentation.
Journal Articles
Hegnar OA, Goodell B, Felby C, Johansson L, Labbé N, Kim K, Eijsink VGH,Alfredsen G, Várnal A, Challenges and opportunities in mimicking non-enzymatic brown-rot decay mechanisms for pretreatment of Norway spruce, Wood science and technology (2019), 53, 291-311
Ojansivu M, Rashad A, Ahlinder A, Massera J, Mishra A, Syverud K, Finne-Wistrand A, Miettinen S, Mustafa K, Wood-Based Nanocellulose and Bioactive Glass Modified Gelatin-Alginate Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting of Bone Cells, Biofabrication 2019, 11 2019, 035010
Ottesen V, Larsson T, Chinga-Carrasco G, Syverud K, Gregersen Ø, Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanofibril Films: Effects of Crystallinity and its Modification by Treatment with Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia, Cellulose, 26, 6615-6627
Aaen R, Simon S, Brodin FW, Syverud K, The potential of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils as rheology modifiers in food systems, Cellulose 2019, 26, 5483–5496
Ehman NV, Lourenço AF, McDonagh BH, Vallejos ME, Felissia FE, Ferreira PJT, Chinga-Carrasco G, Area MC. Influence of initial chemical composition and characteristics of pulps on the production and properties of lignocellulosic nanofibers. Int J Biol Macromol. 2019 Nov 25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.10.165.
Albornoz-Palma G, Betancourt F, Mendonça RT, Chinga-Carrasco G, Pereira M. Relationship between rheological and morphological characteristics of cellulose nanofibrils in dilute dispersions. Carbohydrate Polymers DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.115588
Mendieta M, Vallejos ME, Felissia FE, Chinga Carrasco G, Area MC. Review: Bio-polyethylene from Wood Wastes. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2019, p 1-16
Tanase-Opedal M, Espinosa E, Rodríguez A, Chinga Carrasco G. Lignin: A Biopolymer from Forestry Biomass for Biocomposites and 3D Printing. Materials 2019, 12(18), p 3006
Espinosa E, Filgueira D, Rodríguez A, Chinga Carrasco G. Nanocellulose-Based Inks—Effect of Alginate Content on the Water Absorption of 3D Printed Constructs. Bioengineering (Basel) 2019, 6(3), p 65.
Chiulan I, Panaitescu DM, Radua, E-R, Frone AN, Gabor RA, Nicolae CA, Jinescu G, Tofan V, Chinga-Carrasco G. Comprehensive characterization of silica-modified silicon rubbers. J. Mechanical Behavior Biomedical Materials. September 2019, p 103427.
Espinosa E, Bascón-Villegas I, Rosal A, Pérez-Rodríguez F, Chinga-Carrasco G, Rodríguez A. PVA/(ligno)nanocellulose biocomposite films. Effect of residual lignin content on structural, mechanical, barrier and antioxidant properties. Int. J. Biological Macromolecules 141, 2019, p 197-206.
Karlström A, Johansson L and Hill . On the modeling of tensile index from larger data sets. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal 2019, 34(3) p 289-303
Jack AA, Nordli HR, Powell LC, Farnell DJJ, Pukstad B, Rye PD, Thomas DW, Chinga-Carrasco G and Hill KE. Cellulose Nanofibril Formulations Incorporating a Low-Molecular-Weight Alginate Oligosaccharide Modify Bacterial Biofilm Development. Biomacromolecules 2019, 20(8), p 2953-2961.
Kangas H, Felissia, FE, Filgueira D, Ehman NV, Vallejos ME, Imlauer, CM, Lahtinen P, Area MC and Chinga-Carrasco G. 3D Printing High-Consistency Enzymatic Nanocellulose Obtained from a Soda-Ethanol-O2 Pine Sawdust Pulp. Bioengineering 2019 6(3), p 60
Aadland RC, Jakobsen, TD, Heggset EB, Long-Sanouiller H, Simon S, Paso KG, Syverud K and Torsæter O. High-Temperature Core Flood Investigation of Nanocelluloses as a Green Additive for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Nanomaterials 9(5), p 665
Aaen R, Brodin FW, Simon S, Heggset EB and Syverud K. Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by Cellulose Nanofibrils—The Effects of Ionic Strength and pH. Nanomaterials 9(2), p 259
Campodoni E, Heggset EB, Rashad R, Ramírez-Rodríguez GB, Mustafa K, Syverud K, Tampieri A, Sandri M. Polymeric 3D scaffolds for tissue regeneration: evaluation of biopolymer nanocomposite reinforced with cellulose nanofibrils. Material Science & Engineering C 2019, 94, p 867-878
Cernencu AI, Lungu A, Stancu IC, Serafim A, Heggset E, Syverud K, Iovu H. Bioinspired 3D printable pectin-nanocellulose ink formulations. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 220, p 12-21
Chinga Carrasco G, Ehman NV, Filgueira D, Johansson J, Vallejos ME, Felissia FE, Håkansson J, Area MC. Bagasse – A major agro-industrial residue as potential resource for nanocellulose inks for 3D printing of wound dressing devices. Additive manufacturing 28(2019), 267
Nordli HR, Pukstad B, Chinga Carrasco G and Rokstad AM. Ultrapure Wood Nanocellulose – Assessments of Coagulation and Initial Inflammation Potential. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2019 2(3), p 1107-1118
Silva F, Gracia N, McDonagh BH, Domingues FC, Nerin C, Chinga Carrasco G. Antimicrobial activity of biocomposite films containing cellulose nanofibrils and ethyl lauroyl arginate. Jounal of Materials Science 2019, 54(18) p 12159-12170
Syrový T, Maronová S, Kuberský P, Ehman NV, Vallejos ME, Pretl S, Felissia FE, Area MC, Chinga-Carrasco G. Wide range humidity sensors printed on biocomposite films of cellulose nanofibril and poly(ethylene glycol)
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019, 136(36)
Torstensen JØ, Helberg RML, Deng L, Gregersen Ø and Syverud K. PVA/nanocellulose nanocomposite membranes for CO2 separation from flue gas. International journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2019, 81, p 93-102
Heggset EB, Strand BL, Sundby KW, Simon S, Chinga-Carrasco G, Syverud K. Viscoelastic properties of nanocellulose based inks for 3D printing and mechanical properties of CNF/alginate biocomposite gels. Cellulose 2019, 26(1), p 581–595.
PhD Thesis
Torstensen JØ. Fundamental properties of nanocelluloses and their application in membranes for CO2 separation. Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2019:146.
Nordli HR. The potential of carboxylated cellulose nanofibril for wound healing application. Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2019:324
Aadland, RCG. Experimental study of flow of nanocellulose in porous media for enhanced oil recovery application. Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2019:339
Joseph P, Ottesen V, Tanase-Opedal M and Moe S. Evaluation of H-factor on the delignification of Norway Spruce by organosolv pre-treatment. Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry, Gothenburg, Sverige, November 4-6.
Tanase-Opedal M and Eriksen Ø. Evaluation of organosolv pre-treatment for effective fractionation of Norway Spruce in a novel reactor. Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry, Gothenburg, Sverige, November 4-6.
Chinga-Carrasco G. Biopolymers and 3D printing of biomedical devices. 6th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference, Aveiro – Portugal, October 21–25. Invited keynote speaker.
Ehman N, Chinga-Carrasco G, Felissia F, Ponce de León A, Vallejos M, Area MC. Obtención de estructuras 3D a partir de PHA y fibras lignocelulósicas para fabricación de piezas de órtesis. XIII Simposio Argentino de Polímeros, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 8-10.
Mendieta, C, Felissia, FE, Chinga-Carrasco, G, Vallejos, ME, Area, MC. 2G Bio-polyethylene from wood wastes. XIII Simposio Argentino de Polímeros, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 8-10.
Celaya-Romea J, Toven K, Leirset I, Reitan AM, Kleppe B. Production of olefins and monoaromatics through catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass and plastics in a tandem microreactor GC/MS. The International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science: Biomass & Municipal Solid Waste to RNG, Biofuels & Chemicals (tcbiomassplus2019), Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 7-9.
Heggset EB, Torstensen, J and Syverud K. Nanocellulose based hybrid films as substitutes for traditional plastic films? European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5. Invited speaker.
Syverud K and Heggset E, Nanocellulose for enhanced oil recovery. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5. Invited speaker.
Espinosa, E, Bascón-Villegas, I, Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M, Chinga-Carrasco, G and Rodríguez, A. Nanocelulosa a partir de paja de trigo para mejorar envases alimentarios. XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver Towards Sustainable Food Processing“, Portugal, July 1-4.
Tanase MO, Victor EE, Melbø JK, Pascual AR, Chinga-Carrasco G. Lignin – a biopolymer from forestry biomass for biocomposites and 3D printing. 56th Nordic Polymer Days 2019, Trondheim – Norway, June 5-7.
Ehman, NV, Ramirez, AI, Chinga-Carrasco, G, Vallejos, ME, Felissia, FE, Area, MC. Influence of the carboxylic groups and degree of polymerization of cellulosic pulps on lignocellulosic nanofibers (LCNF) properties. 2nd International Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materials (IWBLCM2019), Córdoba, Spain, June 4-7.
Chinga-Carrasco G, Ehman, NV, Johansson J, Vallejos ME, Felissia FE, Håkansson J and Area MC. Bagasse – a resource for fibres and nanocelluloses for biocomposites and 3D printing. 2019 Int. Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials. Chiba – Japan, June 3-7.
McDonagh BH and Chinga-Carrasco G. Porous constructs of nanocellulose can release plant defense chemicals. The Nordic Nanolab Network User Meeting at DTU, Copenhagen – Denmark, May 7-8.
Heggset EB, Aaen R, Simon S and Syverud K. Nanocellulose as a rheology modifier for use in industrial applications: Thicker and lighter – nanocellulose in mayonnaise. 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, March 31- April 5. Invited speaker.
Syverud K, Cellulose nanofibril based gels for 3D printing for tissue engineering. 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, March 31- April 5. Invited speaker.
Bengtsson F, Karlström A, Hill J and Johansson L. Refining models for optimization and control – How to use such models for pulp and handsheet properties estimation. 11th Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Research Seminar, Norrköping, Sweden, April 2-4.
Johansson L. Chip washers – do we need them? 11th Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Research Seminar, Norrköping – Sweden, April 2-4.
Heggset EB. End of life perspectives for thermoformed fibre products . Erstatning av plast gjennom støpte termoformede produkter fra bærekraftig lokal trefiber – muligheter og utfordringer, Stjørdal, Norway, December 6. Invited speaker
Heggset EB, PlastiCel – Plastsubstitutter basert på cellulose. Fra Arena Skog til WOODWORKS! Cluster; Skog- og trebruk bidrar til vekst og gode klimaløsninger, Stjørdal, Norway, December 4. Invited speaker
Johansson, L. Wood fibre based raw materials for thermoforming of molded products. Erstatning av plast gjennom støpte termoformede produkter fra bærekraftig lokal trefiber – muligheter og utfordringer, Stjørdal, Norway, December 6. Invited speaker
Johansson, L. Grønt granulat til fotballbaner. Treforedlingsforum 2019, Oslo, Norge, november 20-21.
Toven K. Foretningsmuligheter basert på pyrolyseteknologi. Treforedlingsforum 2019, Oslo, Norge, november 20-21.
Johansson, L. Bruk av trefiber gir muligheter i nye markeder, årlig møte Allskog, Stjørdal, Norge, October 31. Invitert foredragsholder.
Johansson, L. Bruk av trefiber gir muligheter i nye markeder, Visjoner for bærekraftige samfunn, seminar, Skogn, Norge, August 22. Invitert foredragsholder.
- Novel Biocomposite Engineering and Bio-Applications.
G. Chinga-Carrasco
Printed edition of the Special Issue Novel Biocomposite Engineering and Bio-Applications that was published in Bioengineering. ISBN 978-3-03897-382-9 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03897-383-6 (PDF) https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-03897-383-6 (registering DOI).
Journal Articles
- Novel Biocomposite Engineering and Bio-Applications.
G. Chinga-Carrasco
Bioengineering 2018, 5(4), 80. Editorial, Special Issue. - CO2 adsorption of surface-modified cellulose nanofibril films derived from agricultural wastes
Fabiola Valdebenito, Rafael García, Karen Cruces, Gustavo Ciudad, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Youssef Habibi
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00771 - Bio-polyethylene reinforced with thermomechanical pulp fibers: Mechanical and micromechanical characterization and its application in 3D-printing by fused deposition modelling
Quim Tarrés, Johnny K. Melbø, Marc Delgado-Aguilar, F.X. Espinach, Pere Mutjé and G. Chinga-Carrasco
Composites Part B: Engineering 153, 2018, 70-77 - The carbohydrate-binding module and linker of a modular lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase promote localized cellulose oxidation
Gaston Courtade, Zarah Forsberg, Ellinor B. Heggset, Vincent G. H. Eijsink, Finn L. Aachmann
JBC Papers in Press. Published on July 2, 2018 as Manuscript RA118.004269 - The Potential of Functionalized Ceramic Particles in Coatings for Improved Scratch Resistance
Caterina Lesaint Rusu, Malin Brodin, Tor Inge Hausvik, Leif Kåre Hindersland, Gary Chinga Carrasco, Mari-Ann Einarsrud, Hilde Lea Lein
Coatings 2018, 8(6), 224 - 3D Printable Filaments made of Biobased Polyethylene Biocomposites.
Daniel Filgueira, Solveig Holmen, Johnny K. Melbø, Diego Moldes, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Polymers 2018, 10(3), 314 – Special issue “Polymers from Renewable Resources” - Potential and Limitations of Nanocelluloses as Components in Biocomposite Inks for Three-Dimensional Bioprinting and for Biomedical Devices
Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19 (3), pp 701–711 - Pulping and pretreatment affect the characteristics of bagasse inks for 3D printing.
Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Nanci V. Ehman, Jennifer Pettersson, María E. Vallejos, Malin W. Brodin, Fernando E. Felissia, Joakim Håkansson, and María C. Area
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6 (3), pp 4068–4075 - Preparation of cellulose nanofibrils for imaging purposes: comparison of liquid cryogens for rapid vitrification.
Jonathan Ø. Torstensen, Per-Olav Johnsen, Henrik Riis, Richard J. Spontak, Liyuan Deng, Øyvind W. Gregersen amd Kristin Syverud.
Cellulose 25(8), 4269 - Swelling and Free-Volume Characteristics of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibril Films.
Jonathan Ø. Torstensen, Ming Liu, Soo-Ah Jin, Liyuan Deng, Ayman I. Hawari, Kristin Syverud, Richard J. Spontak and Øyvind W. Gregersen.
Biomacromolecules, 19(3), 1016
- 3D printing of bio-based medical devices
Gary Chinga-Carrasco
3D printing of biomaterials. 2nd seminar hosted by VTT and FPInnovations, Helsinki, May 29, 2018. Invited. - 3D printing – soft and solid biobased constructs for biomedical applications
Gary Chinga-Carrasco
15th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining (ISBBB 2018). Invited - Increase accessibility for enzymatic hydrolysis of Norway spruce by organosolv pre-treatment in a novel reactor
Mihaela Tanase-Opedal, Øyvind Eriksen and Kai Toven
NWBC 2018 – 8th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference. Helsinki, October 23-25, 2018.
Book chapter
- Tissue engineering using plant derived cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) as scaffold material
Syverud, K.
in “Nano-celluloses, their Preparation, Properties, and Applications” ACS Books (2017)
Journal Articles
- Enzymatic-assisted modification of thermo-mechanical pulp fibers for improving the interfacial adhesion with poly(lactic acid) for 3D printing
Daniel Filgueira, Solveig Holmen, Johnny K. Melbø, Diego Moldes, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
- Mechanical properties of composite hydrogels of alginate and cellulose nanofibrils
Olav Aarstad, Ellinor Bævre Heggset, Ina Sander Pedersen, Sindre Hove Bjørnøy, Kristin Syverud and Berit Løkensgard Strand.
Polymers 2017, 9(8), 378; doi:10.3390/polym9080378
- Coatability of Cellulose Nanofibril Suspensions: Role of Rheology and Water Retention.
Vinay Kumar, Vegar Ottesen, Kristin Syverud, Øyvind Weiby Gregersen and Martti Toivakka.
Accepted for publication in Bioresources
- Single-step microwave-assisted hot water extraction of hemicelluloses from selected lignocellulosic materials – A biorefinery approach.
Gezahegn T. Mihiretu, Malin Brodin, Annie F. Chimphango, Karin Øyaas, Bård H. Hoff, Johann F. Görgens.
Bioresource Technology 241 (2017) 669–680.
- Lignocellulosics as sustainable resources for production of bioplastics – a review.
Malin Brodin, María Vallejos, Mihaela Opedal Tanase, María Cristina Area, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 646-664
- ATMP pulping of Norway spruce – pulp property development and energy efficiency.
Jan Hill, Lars Johansson and Kathrin Mörseburg
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 32(1), 070-086.
- Re-homogenization of phase separated forest residue pyrolysis oil by blending.
Javier Celaya-Romeo, Fredrik Wernersson Brodin, Kai Toven
Fuel Processing Technology 163 (2017) 60-66.
- Mechanical characteristics of nanocellulose-PEG bionanocomposite wound dressings in wet conditions.
Fengzhen Sun, Henriette R. Nordli, Brita Pukstad, E. Kristofer Gamstedt, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 69, Pages 377 – 384.
- Temperature stability of nanocellulose dispersions.
Ellinor B. Heggset, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Kristin Syverud
Carbohydrate Polymers 157, 114 – 121.
- On the nanofibrillation of corn husks and oat hulls fibres.
Fabiola Valdebenito, Miguel Pereira, Gustavo Ciudad, Laura Azocar, Rodrigo Briones, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Industrial Crops and Products 95, 528 – 534.
- The Interaction of Wood Nanocellulose Dressings and the Wound Pathogen P. aeruginosa. Alison A. Jack, Henriette R. Nordli, Lydia C. Powell, Kate A. Powell, Himanshu Kishnani, Per Olav Johnsen, Brita Pukstad, David W. Thomas, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Katja E. Hill
Carbohydrate Polymers 157, 1955 – 1962
- Nanocellulose: Engineering and bio-applications
Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Expoquimia – Chemistry for the future, Barcelona. October 2-6, 2017. Invited talk
- Laccase-assisted Hydrophobization of films made from lignocellulosic nanofibres
Daniel Filgueira, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Diego Moldes
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona. October 1-6, 2017.
- Lignomicro/nanocellulose production from thermomechanical pulp by enzymatic hydrolysis
Quim Tarrés, Johnny K. Melbø, Marc Delgado Aguilar, F.X. Espinach, Fernando Julian, Pere Mutjé, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona. October 1-6, 2017.
- Analysis of the mechanical properties of PLA biocomposites containing softwood thermomechanical pulp fibers.
Quim Tarrés, Johnny K. Melbø, Marc Delgado Aguilar, F.X. Espinach, Fernando Julian, Pere Mutjé, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona. October 1-6, 2017.
- Corn husks – sustainable resource for production of cellulose nanofibrils.
F. Valdebenito, G. Ciudad, G. Chinga-Carrasco
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona. October 1-6, 2017.
- Focused Ion Beam Tomography as a Means For Characterization of CNF in a Paper Matrix.
Vegar Ottesen, Erik Dobloug Roede, Kristin Syverud and Øyvind Weiby Gregersen
16th Fundamental Research Symposium, Advances in Pulp and Paper Research, Oxford, 3 – 8 September 2017, United Kingdom.
- Cellulose nanofibrils as scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Kristin Syverud, Ahmad Rashad, Kamal Mustafa, Ellinor Heggset
EUROMAT 2017, 17 – 22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Nanocellulose as rheology modifier of drilling fluids – Thermostability of nanocellulose dispersions.
Ellinor B. Heggset, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Kristin Syverud
253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- Temperature stability of nanocellulose dispersions.
Ellinor B. Heggset, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Kristin Syverud
Cellulosic material Properties and industrial potential – Final meeting in COST FP1205, Stockholm, Sweden, March 7-9 2017
- Injectivity and retention of nanocellulose dispersions in Berea sandstone.
Reidun Cecilie Aadlanda, Katherine Rose Auranda, Ellinor B. Heggset, Kristin Syverud, Ole Torsæterd
2016 Annual symposium – Society of core analysts (SCA). Poster presentation, Snowmass, Colorado USA.
- The Effect of Cellulose Nanofibrils on the Rheological Properties of Fresh Cement Paste and Their Influence on Strength Properties of Hardened Cement.
Fredrik W. Brodin, Berit Leinsvang, Johnny Kvakland Melbø, Kristin Syverud
Poster presentation at Annual European Rheology Conference, April 4-6, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Nanocellulose composite hydrogels – Tailoring of mechanical properties of tissue scaffolds.
Ellinor B. Heggset and Kristin Syverud.
253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- Nanocellulose as rheology modifier of drilling fluids – Thermostability of nanocellulose dispersions.
Ellinor B. Heggset, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Kristin Syverud
253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- Wood nanocellulose – a natural component for novel biocomposite wound dressings.
Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Innovations in wound healing and wound management. 31st Jan – 2nd Feb 2017. Invited.
Journal Articles
- Re-homogenization of phase separated forest residue pyrolysis oil by blending.
Javier Celaya-Romeo, Fredrik Wernersson Brodin, Kai Toven
Paper and Fibre Institute (PFI), Høgskoleringen 6B, 7491 Trondheim, Norway.
Det skogbaserte bioraffineriet – et fundament i Norges omstilling til et bioøkonomisk samfunn.
Karin Øyaas
Praktisk økonomi & finans, 3, 241-252, 2016. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-2871-2016-03-03.
- ATMP pulping of Norway spruce – Defibration characteristics and fibre wall properties.
Kathrin Mörseburga, Jan Hillb, Lars Johanssonc
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 31 (2016):3, 386-400 , DOI 10.3183/NPPRJ-2016-31-03-p386-400
- Producing Ultrapure Wood Cellulose Nanofibrils and Evaluating the Cytotoxicity Using Human Skin Cells.
Henriette Rogstad Nordlia, Gary Chinga Carrascob, Anne Mari Rokstadc,d, Brita Pukstada,e
Carbohydrate polymers 150, 65 – 73.
- Sandstone Injectivity and Salt Stability of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNC) Dispersions.
Silje N. Molnesa,b, Ivan P. Torrijosa, Skule Stranda, Kristofer G. Pasob, Kristin Syverudb,c
Industrial crops and products, Special issue on Nanocellulose, 93, 152 – 160.
- Translucent and ductile nanocellulose-PEG bionanocomposites – a novel substrate with potential to be functionalized by printing for wound dressing applications.
Zari Tehrania, Henriette Rogstad Nordlib, Brita Pukstadb,c, David T. Gethina, Gary Chinga Carrascod
Industrial Crops and Products, Special Issue on Nanocellulose, 93, Pages 193 – 202.
- Airborne Nanoparticles filtration by means of cellulose nanofibril based materials
Laura Alexandrescua, Kristin Syverudb,c, Alessia Nicosiad, Gianni Santachiarad, Alberto Fabrizie, Franco Belosie
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanotechnology 78: 29-36.
- An investigation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm growth on novel nanocellulose fiber dressings.
Lydia C. Powella,b, Saira Khana, Gary Chinga Carrascoc, Chris J. Wrightb, Katja E. Hilla, David W. Thomasa.
Carbohydrate polymers 137: 191 – 197. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.10.024
- Use of bacterial cellulose in degraded paper restoration. Part I: application on model papers.
Sara M. Santosa, José M. Carbajoa, Nuria Gómeza, Ester Quintanaa, Miguel Laderob, Arsenio Sánchezc, Gary Chinga-Carrascod, Juan C. Villara
Journal of Materials Science 51(3): 1541-1552. DOI 10.1007/s10853-015-9476-0.
- Use of bacterial cellulose in degraded paper restoration. Part II: application on real samples.
Sara M. Santosa, José M. Carbajoa, Nuria Gómeza, Ester Quintanaa, Miguel Laderob, Arsenio Sánchezc, Gary Chinga Carrascod, Juan C. Villara
Journal of Materials Science 51(3): 1553-1561. DOI 10.1007/s10853-015-9477-z
- Experiences with “Dithionite Based Additives (DBA) in (C)TMP” in lab, pilot and mill scale – synergies between high brightness, less specific energy consumption and development of pulp properties.
Martin Schachtla, Stefan Errena, Dieter Schönhabera, Peter Dahlbomb, Jon Henrik Steinslib, Lars Johanssonc
TAPPI International Mechanical Pulping Conference, September 26 -28, 2016, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- Peroxide Bleaching Study of Softwood TMP with Mg based Alkali Produced from Natural Brucite
Alexander Rodionova, Lauri Salminenb, Lars Johanssonc, Antti Fredriksonb
TAPPI International Mechanical Pulping Conference, September 26 -28, 2016, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- Gelatin/nanocellulose polymeric blends to develop 3D scaffolds for tissue regeneration.
E. Campodonia, GB Ramírez-Rodrgueza, ARSM Elsabahyb, EB Heggsetc, K Mustafab, K. Syverudc, A. Tampieria, M. Sandria .
Oral presentation at SIB National Biomaterial conference. 13-15 July, 2016, Ischia, Italy.
- Evaluation of In vitro cytotoxicity of 3D Nanocellulose for Tissue Engineering Applications.
Ahmad Rashada, Ellinor Bævre Heggsetb, Kristin Syverudb, Kamal Mustafaa.
Oral presentation in: 13th National Stem Cell Networking Conference, September 14-15, 2016, Soria Moria, Oslo.
- A Novel Composite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering.
Ahmad Rashada, Ellinor Bævre Heggsetb, Kristin Syverudb, Kamal Mustafaa
Oral presentation in: 94th General Session and Exhibition of the AIDR. June 22-25, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Cellulose fibres and nanocellulose – components for FDM filaments and hydrogels for 3D printing.
Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Olav Solheim, Johnny Kvakland Melbø, Malin Brodin.
IX Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research Under the theme “Building bridges in research and innovation for the sustainable bioeconomy”. September 4-8, Espoo, Finland.
- Insights regarding common practice and standards for sampling, characterization, control, and design of TMP and CTMP operations.
Olof Ferritsiusa, Rita Ferritsiusb, Kathrin Mörseburgc, Karin Erikssond, Jan Hille, Johanna Ferritsiusfv
TAPPI International Mechanical Pulping Conference, September 26 -28, 2016, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- Development of fibre properties in full scale HC and LC refining.
Rita Ferritsiusa,b, Christer Sandbergc, Olof Ferritsiusa, Mats Rundlöfd, Kathrin Mörseburge, Dinesh Fernandof, Geoffrey Danielf
TAPPI International Mechanical Pulping Conference, September 26 -28, 2016, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- Evaluation of Cellulose Nanocrystals as a New Additive for Enhanced Oil Recovery.
Silje Nedland Molnesa, Ivan P. Torrijosa, Skule Stranda, Kristofer G. Pasob, Kristin Syverudb,c
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Nanocellulose-based scaffolds with tunable structures to support 3D cell culture.
Chunlin Xua , Jun Liua , Xiaoju Wangb,c , Fang Chengb,c , Gary Chinga Carrascod, Kristin Syverudd,e, Stefan Willföra
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Nanocellulose enhances the gelling properties of alginates.
Ellinor B. Heggset a, Olav Aarstadb, Ina S. Pedersenb, Berit L. Strandb and Kristin Syveruda
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Moving from black to green; Development of biorefinery processes and products in Norway.
Karin Øyaas.
French-Nordic Event: “Biomass Conversion; Green chemistry & Innovative Processes”, Paris, March 10-11, Invited lecture.
- The potential of ceramic particles in coatings with improved scratch and wear resistance.
Caterina Lesaint Rusua, Malin Brodinb, Hilde Lea Leina, Mari-Ann Einarsruda, Gary Chinga Carrascob.
5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, June 13-15, Spain.
- Potential of cellulose nanofibrils in tissue engineering.
Kristin Syveruda, Ahmad Rashadb, Kamal Mustafab
251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego. March 13-17. Invited speaker
- Cellulose Nano Fibrils Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications.
Ahmad Rashada, Ellinor Bævre Heggsetb, Kristin Syverudb, Kamal Mustafaa
Poster presentation in: The 4th Nordic Young Scientist Conference in Odontology (NYSCO), August 23-26, 2016, Tuusula, Finland. The candidate won the best abstract award in the conference.
- Gelatin/nanocellulose polymeric blends to develop 3D scaffolds for tissue regeneration.
E. Campodonia, GB Ramírez-Rodrígueza, ARSM Elsabahyb, EB Heggsetc, K Mustafab, K. Syverudc, A. Tampieria, M. Sandria
Poster presentation at National Young Researcher’s Forum on Material Science and Technology . 11-13 July 2016, Ischia, Italy.
- Effect of Surface Properties of Cellulose Nanofibril Scaffolds on Cell Response.
Ahmad Rashada, Ellinor Bævre Heggsetb, Kamal Mustafaa, Kristin Syverudb
Poster presentation in: The 2nd Annual Meeting Bergen Stem Cell Consortium. September 5-6, 2016, Bergen, Norway.
- Injectivity and retention of nanocellulose dispersions in Berea sandstone.
Reidun Cecilie Aadlanda, Katherine Rose Auranda, Ellinor B. Heggsetb, Kristin Syverudb, Ole Torsætera
2016 Annual symposium – Society of core analysts (SCA). Poster presentation, Snowmass, Colorado USA.
- Dewatered Pyrolysis Oil as Fuel Component in Marine Fuel Blends.
Fredrik W. Brodin, Javier Celaya-Romeo, Kai Toven.
EUBCE 2016, 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 6-9 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5071/24thEUBCE2016-3DO.6.3
- Pyrolysis oil based fuel emulsions for marine engines.
J. Celaya-Romeoa, F. W. Brodinb, K. Tovenb
EUBCE 2016, 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 6-9 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5071/24thEUBCE2016-ICV.1.37
- Re-homogenization of phase separated forest residue pyrolysis oil by blending.
J. Celaya-Romeoa, F. W. Brodinb, K. Tovenb
EUBCE 2016, 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 6-9 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5071/24thEUBCE2016-3DV.3.77
- Swelling and Applications of PVA/Nanocellulose Composites.
Jonathan Torstensena, Kristin Syveruda,b, Øyvind Weiby Gregersena
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Characterization of the stability and phase behavior of nanocellulose dispersions intended for improving oil recovery.
Reidun Cecilie Aadlanda, Katherine R. Auranda, Ellinor B. Heggsetb, Kristin Syveruda,b, and Ole Torsætera
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Surfactant modified nanocelluloses for enhanced oil recovery.
Trygve Jakobsena, Sébastien Simona, Kristin Syverudb, Kristofer Pasoa
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Rheological Properties of Cellulose Nanofibril Dispersions Containing Salts.
Ragnhild Aaena, Kristin Syveruda,b, Sébastien Simona, Galina Rodinovaa
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Effects of Cellulose Nanofibril Premixing Strategies for Paper Making.
Vegar Ottesena, Kristin Syveruda,b, Øyvind W. Gregersenb
International Conference on Nanotechnology 2016. 13-16 June in Grenoble, France.
- Microwave-assisted Hot Water Extraction of Hemicelluloses from Selected Lignocellulosic Materials – A Biorefinery Approach.
Teklu M. Gezahegna,b, Malin Brodinb, Annie F. Chimphangoa, Karin Øyaasb, Bård H. Hoffc, Johann F. Görgensa
ECO-BIO 2016: Challenges in Building a Sustainable Bio-based Economy, 6-9 March 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- High Pressure Rapid Heating Displacement Reactor; A novel tool for simulating innovative pretreatment schemes.
Kai Toven, Trond Karlsen, Mihaela Tanase Opedal, Karin Øyaas.
French-Nordic Event: “Biomass Conversion; Green chemistry & Innovative Processes”, Paris, March 10-11.
- Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory (NorBioLab); Establishing the Tools for Developing Tomorrows Biobased Society.
Karin Øyaas.
French-Nordic Event: Biomass Conversion; Green chemistry & Innovative Processes, Paris, March 10-11.
Journal Articles
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology 49(2): 117-126 (2015)
Cellulose (2015) 22:385 – 395.
International Symposium on Lignocellulosic Materials, November 23-25, Concepción, Chile. Invited Keeynote.
EPNOE – International polysaccharide conference. 19-22 October. Wasaw, Poland.
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 2015.
EPNOE – International polysaccharide conference. 19-22 October. Wasaw, Poland.
European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) Annual Congress, 21-23 October. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Accepted for oral presentation at 4th EPNOE international polysaccharide conference, Warsaw, Poland, 19-22 October 2015
Accepted for oral presentation at the 36th IEA-EORÂ Collaborative Project Workshop & Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 7.-11. of September 2015.
10th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, 2-4 September, Lisboa, Portugal.
Biocomposites in Construction, 21-22 May, London, UK.
9th International Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Research Seminar, May 19-20, Trondheim, Norway.
9th International Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Research Seminar, May 19-20, Trondheim, Norway.
BioNanoMed Conference- Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, April 8 – 10, Graz, Austria
Advances in cellulose processing and applications – research goes to industry. 10-11 March, Iasi, Romania – Invited Keynote.
ImagineNano, Industrial forum – Nanocellulose and Paper Industry. 10-13 March, Bilbao, Spain. Invited.
249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. 22-26 March, Denver, CO.
Industrial Biotechnology Showcase, London, UK, February 12th, 2015
2nd Lund symposium on lignin and hemicellulose valorisation, November 3-4, Sweden
COST Action FP1105: WoodCellNet sixth workshop, May 26 -27, San Sebastian, Spain.
Presented as a poster at the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition , 22.-26 March, Denver, USA.
- Poster presentation at Advances in cellulose processing and applications – research goes to industry. COST Action FP1205. 10-11 March, 2015, Iasi, Romania.
Journal Articles
- Adam Reesa, Lydia C Powellb,c, Gary Chinga Carrascod, David T Gethina, Kristin Syverudd, Katja E Hillc, David W Thomasc
- Sofia Enbergac, Mats Rundlöfbc, Magnus Paulssondc, Patrik Axelssona, Øyvind Eriksene and Per Engstrandc
- Sofia Enbergac, Mats Rundlöfbc, Magnus Paulssondc, Patrik Axelssona, Øyvind Eriksene and Per Engstrandc
- Arttu Miettinena, Gary Chinga Carrascob, Markku Katajaa
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa, Natalia Averianovab, Olga Kodalenkob, Milyausha Garaevab, Vladimir Petrovb, Berit Leinsvanga, Trond Karlsena.
- Seyed Rahman Djafari Petroudya,b Kristin Syveruda,c, Gary Chinga Carrascoc, Ali Ghasemainb, Hossein Resalatib
- Manuel R. Mikczinski a, Gabriella Josefsson b, Gary Chinga Carrascoc, E. Kristofer Gamstedtb, Sergej Fatikow a
- Presented at The 6th Workshop on Cellulose, Regenerated Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives, 11.-12. November 2014, Karlstad, Sweden.
- European Paper Week, 25th of November, Brussels, Belgium.
- Invited keynote VIII Iberoamerican congress on pulp and paper research. 26-28 November 2014, Medellín, Colombia.
- Vegar Ottesena, Øvind Gregersena, Kristin SyverudbPresented at Cellulose Materials Doctoral Students Summer Conference 2014, Ebernburg, Germany.
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa, Lydia C Powellb,c, Saira Khanb, Katja E Hillb, David W Thomasb18th International Microscopy Congress – Materials for medicine and biomaterials, 7-12 September 2014, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Milena Stepiena, Gary Chinga Carrascob, Jarkko J. Saarinena, Hannu Teisalac, Mikko Tuominend, Janne Haapanene, Jurkka Kuusipaloc, Jyrki M. Mäkeläe , and Martti Toivakkaa13th Tappi Advanced Coating Fundamental Symposium. October 7-9, Minneapolis, USA.
- Adam Reesa, Lydia C Powellb,c, Gary Chinga Carrascod, David T Gethina, Tim C Claypolea, David Deganelloa, Kristin Syverudd, Katja E Hillc, David W Thomasc41st International IARIGAI Conference, 7th-10th September 2014, Swansea, UK.
- 22nd, Int. Conference on composites or nano engineering, 13-19 July 2014, Malta.
- Society of Petroleum Engineers Workshop: Exploiting Nanotechnology for Efficient Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery, 23 – 26 June 2014, London, UK.
- Presented at the International Mechanical Pulping Conference, June 2-5th 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
- H. R. Nordlia,, A. M. Rokstada,, G. Chinga-Carrascob and B. Pukstada, cBioNanoMed Conference- Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, March 26 – 28, Krems, Austria.
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa, Lydia C. Powellb,c, Henriette R. Nordlid, Saira Khanb, Katja E. Hillb, Kristin Syveruda, David W. Thomasb, Brita Pukstadd.Invited talk, ISN2A 2014 – International symposium on Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and applications, January 20-22, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Lydia C Powella,b, Saira Khana, Gary Chinga Carrascoc, Kristin Syverudc, Katja E Hilla, David W ThomasaEuropean Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) Annual Congress, 10-12 September. Edinburg, UK.
- Olof Ferritsiusa, Kathrin Mörseburgb, Rita Ferritsiusa,cPresented at the International Mechanical Pulping Conference, June 2-5th 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
- Ellinor B. Heggseta, Sigurd R. Pettersenb, Kurt I. Dragetc, Gary Chinga Carrascoa and Kristin Syveruda,b9th International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials 23-26 June 2014 in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Book chapters
- Magnus B. Lilledahla, Gary Chinga Carrascob, and Catharina de Lange Daviesa
Journal Articles
- Milena Stepiena, Gary Chinga Carrascob, Jarkko J. Saarinena, Hannu Teisalac, Mikko Tuominenc, Mikko Aromaad, Janne Haapanene, Jurkka Kuusipaloc, Jyrki M. Mäkeläe, and Martti Toivakkaa
- Sofia Enberga, Mats Rundlöfb, Magnus Paulssonc, Ingvild A. Johnsend and Patrik AxelssoneNordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 28(2), 203-210
- Agneta Ghose, Gary Chinga Carrasco.
- Divina D. Kaombea, Marianne Lenesb, Kai Tovenb, and Wilhelm R. Glommc
- Carlo A. Cozzolinoa,b, Fritjof Nilssonc, Marco Iottib, Benedetta Sacchid, Antonio Pigaa, Stefano Farrise
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa*, Natalia Averianovab, Marat Gibadullinb, Vladimir Petrovb, Ingebjørg Leirseta, Kristin Syveruda
- Innventia days, 22-23 October, Stockholm, Sweden.
- L.C. Powella,b, S. Khana; K. Syverudc, G. Chinga-Carrascoc, E. Onsøyend, P.D. Ryed, K.E. Hilla, D.W. Thomasa23rd European Tissue Repair Society Meeting. Stem cells and regenerative medicine. 23-25 October. Reims, France.
- Presented at the 8th Fundamental Mechanical Pulping Research Seminar, January 30-31, Åre, Sweden.
- EPNOE 2013: “Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-derived products, from basic science to applications. 21st -24th October. Nice, France.
- Ellinor B. Heggseta, Jenny K. Håsethb and Karin ØyaasaEPNOE 2013: “Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-derived products, from basic science to applications. Poster. 21st -24th October. Nice, France.
- Tappi international conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 24th-27th June. Stockholm, Sweden.
- Kai Tovena, Javier Celayab, Ingvar Eidec, Anthony V Bridgwaterb21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7th June. Hamburg, Germany.
- BioNanoMed2013. 4th international congress, Nanotechnology, Medicince, Biology. 14-15 March, Krems, Austria.
Book chapters
Journal Articles
- TEMPO-mediated oxidation of Norway spruce and Eucalyptus pulps: Preparation and characterisation of nanofibers and nanofiber dispersionGalina Rodionovaa, Tsuguyuki Saitob, Marianne Lenesc, Øyvind Eriksenc, Øyvind Gregersena, R. Kuramaeb, Akira Isogaib.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 27(5): 872-881.
- Bleached and unbleached MFC nanobarriers – properties and hydrophobization with hexamethyldisilazaneGary Chinga-Carrascoa, Nina Kuznetsovab, Milyausha Garaevab, Ingebjørg Leirseta, Guzaliia Galiullinab, Anatoly Kostochkob, Kristin Syveruda
- Arttu Miettinena, Cris L. Luengo Hendriksb, Gary Chinga Carrascoc, E. Kristofer Gamstedtd, Markku Katajaa
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa, Daniel Tobjörkb, Ronald Österbackab
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 27(4):790-797.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 27(4): 798-805.
- Bioresources 7(3): 3690-3700.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 27(2): 388-396.
- Galina Rodionovaa, Tsuguyuki Saitob, Marianne Lenesc, Øyvind Eriksenc, Øyvind Gregersena, Hayaka Fukuzumi b, Akira Isogaib.Cellulose 19:705 – 711
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 27(3): 596-603.
- Laura Alexandrescua, Franco Belosib, Kristin Syverudc4th Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research seminar. November 14-15, Trondheim, Norway.
- Marianne Lenesa, Øyvind Eriksena, Galina Rodionovab4th Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research seminar. November 14-15, Trondheim, Norway.
- 4th Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research seminar. November 14-15, Trondheim, Norway.
- 4th Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research seminar. November 14-15, Trondheim, Norway.
- 4th Recent advances in cellulose nanotechnology research seminar. November 14-15, Trondheim, Norway.
- Karin Øyaasa, Ingvild A. Johnsena, Bård H. Hoffb, Mihaela Tanase Opedala, Kai Tovena, and Tore Aa. Gulbrandsenb4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference in Helsinki, October 23-25, 2012.
- Karin Øyaasa, Kai Tovena4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference in Helsinki, October 23-25, 2012.
- Karin Øyaasa, Kai Tovena, Ingvild A. Johnsena, Swarnima Agnihotrib, Størker Moeb, Al MacKenziec, Vincent Eijsinkc, Nils Dyrsetc, Roman Netzerd, Bjarte Holmelide, Tanja Barthe, Ingvar Eidef.4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference in Helsinki, October 23-25, 2012.
- 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, 18-21st June.
- Divina D. Kaombea, Marianne Lenesb, Kai Tovenb, May-Britt Hägga, Wilhelm R. Glomma.20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, 18-21st June.
- 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, 18-21st June.
- 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Milan, 18-21st June.
- Størker T. Moe, Kando K. Janga, May-Britt Hägg, Karin Øyaas, and Nils Dyrset.Technoport Renewable Energy Research Conference (RERC), Trondheim, Norway.
- Nanofibers against nanoparticles: Cellulosic nanofibers for nanoparticle aerosol filtration, concepts, achievements, and perspectives.Alexandrescu, L., Syverud, K. and Belosic, F.Inter243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 25- 29, San Diego, California.
- Introducing an in-situ microrobotic approach for assessing the stiffness properties of microfibrillated cellulose films.International Paper Physics Conference, June 10-14, Stockholm.
- The effect of microfibrillated cellulose on the pressability of TMP and filler mixtures and on paper properties.International Paper Physics Conference, June 10-14, Stockholm.
- Maren Seljenes Bøe, Ingvild A. Johnsen, Bård Helge HoffPoster presentation at Technoport Renewable Energy Research Conference (RERC), Trondheim, Norway.
- 45th ABTCP conference, Oct. 9-11, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- 3rd International Cellulose Conference (ICC 2012), Oct. 10-12, Sapporo, Japan
- M. Stepiena, G. Chinga-Carrascob, J. J. Saarinena, H. Teisalac, M. Tuominenc, M. Aromaad, J. Kuusipaloc, J. M. Mäkeläd, M. Toivakkaa, Y.D. Yue, J. HjeleneThe 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester Central, United Kingdom, 16th – 21st September
- Gary Chinga Carrascoa, Ingvild Johnsena and Karin Øyaasa4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference in Helsinki, October 23-25, 2012.
- PLA-wood fibre compositesSustainComp final conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14 – 15 June
Book chapter contributions
- Chinga-Carrasco, G., Miettinen, A., Luengo Hendriks, C.L., Gamstedt, E.K. and Kataja, M.Nanocomposites and Polymers with Analytical Methods, ISBN 978-953-307-352-1, Ed. John Cuppoletti, Publisher: InTech.
- Marianne Lenes, Gary Chinga Carrasco, Øyvind GregersenFiber Reinforced Composites. Ed: Quingzheng (George) Cheng. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
- Fine structure of papermaking fibres. Printed by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 2011: 51-63. ISBN: 978-91-576-9007-4.
- Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education. Microscopy Book Series. Edited by Méndez-Vilas A. and Díaz J. Formatex; 2011: 2182-2189.
Journal Articles
- Chacha N., Toven K., Mtui G., Katima J. and Mrema G.
- Accepted for publication in Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal.
- Accepted for publication in Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal.
- Mustafa Aslan, Gary Chinga Carrasco, Bent F. Sørensen, Bo MadsenJournal of Materials Science 46:6344-6354.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 26(3): 232-247
- Gary Chinga Carrasco, Yingda Yu, Ola Diserud.
- Lars Johansson, Jan Hill, Dmitri Gorski and Patrik Axelsson
- Gorski, D., Mörseburg, K., Axelsson, P. and Engstrand, P.Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 26(1): 47-63.
- Rodionova, G., Lenes, M., Eriksen, Ø. and Gregersen, Ø.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 26(1): 72-80.
- Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal 26(1): 64-71.
- Marius Rusu, Kathrin Mörseburg, Øyvind Gregersen, Asuka Yamakawa, and Sari Liukkonen
- Klodian Xhanaria, Kristin Syverudb, Per Steniusa
- Air filtration of nano-particles using cellulose nanofibrils.Alexandrescu, L., Syverud, K., Chinga-Carrasco, G., Iotti, M., Gregersen, Ø., Belosic, F. and Gatti, A.M.International Conference NanotechItaly 2011, NH Laguna Palace Convention Center in Venice-Mestre, 23rd to 25th of November 2011.
- Dmitri Gorski, Kjell-Arve Kure, Kathrin MörseburgInternational Mechanical Pulping Conference, Xian, China, June 26-29.
- Film splitting during offset printing – the influence of paper surface properties on film splitting geometry.Rättö, P., Blohm, E. and Chinga-Carrasco, G.38th International Research Conference of iarigai, Budapest & Debrecen, Hungary, September 11-14.
- Quantification of the web structure in relation to process conditions during wet pressing and furnish composition.Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Graz, September 5-8, 2011.
- Furnish composition of newsprint – Effects on pressability, paper and print quality.Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Graz, September 5-8, 2011.
- More selective biorefining of softwood by combined hot water and ethanol organosolv pretreatment.Agnihotri, S., Johnsen, I., Moe, S. and Toven, K.Science & Technology of Biomasses: Advances and Challenges. September 5-8, 2011, Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy.
- On the porosity and oxygen barrier properties of cellulose nanofibril-based films.Annual meeting of IAWS 2011, Novel materials from wood or cellulose. Stockholm, August 31-Sept. 2.
- Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2011, Stockholm, March 22-24
- Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC) 2011, Stockholm, March 22-24.
- Klimatre: Wood for a better climate and higher value added products.Iotti, M.241st American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 27-31.
- Towards novel filter concepts for nanopollution.241st American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 27-31.
- Rheological studies of nanofibrillar cellulose water dispersions for industrial applications.Iotti, M., Lenes, M. and Gregersen, G.241st American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials, March 27-31.

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