PFI’s history – Dedicated to biorefinery research for 100 years
Embretsfos Mill, 1923
Skøyen, 1931
Gaustad in Oslo, 1956
Gløshaugen in Trondheim, 1998-
The historic background
At the beginning of the 20th century, pulp and paper industry had a strong standing in several countries rich on forest resources. Industry growth led to a demand for new competence and scientifically based industry development. In Germany several research institutes were established as a support for German industries. In USA, “Forest Products Laboratory” was established in 1910. Canada, Finland, and Sweden established similar research laboratories in 1913, 1916 and 1917, respectively.
In 1918, the Technical Association of the Norwegian Pulp and Paper Industry took an initiative to establish a research institute within pulp and paper technology. A research committee (“The Research Committee of the Norwegian Pulp and Paper Industry”) was established to further elaborate this initiative.
The institute was established 15 August 1923, when the Research Committee of the Norwegian Pulp and Paper Industry employed Dr. Sigurd Samuelsen as the institute’s first director.
In the first period, the institute’s work was performed at Skotselv Cellulose Mill, and at Embretsfos Mill. Chemical analyses were performed at the University of Oslo. The institute also worked at the laboratory of “Thune Mekaniske Verksted”.
A sulphite cooking laboratory was established at Embretsfos Mill.
New laboratories for chemical and physical analyses were established at Embretsfoss Mill.
The Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research Institute (PFI) moved to the former research laboratory of Norsk Hydro at Skøyen, Oslo.
PFI was organized into five departments: mechanical pulp, cellulose, cellulose derivatives, paper and board, and wallboard.
PFI moved into new facilities at Gaustad in Oslo.
The decision was taken to move PFI from Oslo to Trondheim. The main intention was to further strengthen the cooperation with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), aiming for a strong joint research center within pulp and paper technology.
PFI moved into new premises at Gløshaugen Campus in Trondheim, co-located with NTNU.
The institute’s name was changed to “Papir- og fiberinstituttet AS” (Paper and Fibre Research Institute).
PFI became a partly owned daughter company of the Swedish research institute STFI-Packforsk AB.
PFI’s majority owner STFI-Packforsk AB changed name to Innventia AB.
PFI’s majority owner Innventia AB was merged with three other Swedish institutes, forming the new research institute RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). PFI changed name to RISE PFI.

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.
- Høgskoleringen 6b
- NO - 7491 Trondheim
- firmapost@rise-pfi.no
- +47 73 60 50 65