Research scientists at RISE PFI listed among the 2% best in the world

Research scientists at RISE PFI listed among the 2% best in the world

We are proud to announce that two of our research scientists, Gary Chinga Carrasco and Kristin Syverud, have been listed as two of the world’s 2% best researchers (based on composite score). The list was created and released by Standford University. September 2022...
The BioComp project is rapidly advancing

The BioComp project is rapidly advancing

The BioComp project is rapidly advancing with the commercialization plans of a new biocomposite system.  At a recent meeting in the BioComp project, the advances with the product were shown. The BioComp project is a cooperation between Alloc AS, Norske Skog Saugbrugs,...
RISE PFI participates in the «HAVBRUK 2022»  conference in Bergen

RISE PFI participates in the «HAVBRUK 2022» conference in Bergen

This week, Mihaela Tanase Opedal from RISE PFI participates at the conference «HAVBRUK 2022» in Bergen.  Here, the aquaculture industry, R&D institutions and funding organizations meet to discuss the production of sustainable raw materials for fish feed from...