Contact: Kristin Syverud
Potato fiber as texturizer in food
The idea in the PoTeks-project is to utilize a side stream from potato starch production to produce a high-value cellulose-based fiber product that can be used as a texturizer in gluten free baking and as stabilizer in oil-containing foodstuffs. The fibres have a high number of polar units. Thus, they have water-binding properties, can stabilize emulsions as well as contribute with texture in the products. This is a good starting point for a gluten substitute, as gluten proteins contribute with structure. In oil-containing foodstuffs, the fibres will be used as thickening agent and stabilizer of both new and long-established products.

Research partners and funding:
Research partners
Hoff SA (project owner), RISE PFI is innovation partner, Mills SA, Klæbu håndbakeri AS and Lafopa AS are industrial partners.
The project is partly funded by the Research Council of Norway