Contact: Gary Chinga Carrasco
New functionalized medical devices for surgical interventions in the pelvic cavity
The incidence of cancer of all kinds is growing all over the world, and thereby the number of surgical interventions in the field of oncological surgery records a continuous growth year after year. In some cases, the complete removal of one or more organic structures from the pelvis is required. These surgical interventions are associated with a high post-operative morbidity and mortality.
The pelvic prosthesis developed in MedIn project will be designed to increase the quality of life of people after surgical interventions.
Other complications which may occur refer to overall infectious. In general, wound infection associated with this type of surgical interventions is reported to be as high as 40%. This remains an unmet need to be covered through an innovative wound dressing that will be developed within the scope of this project.
This project is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number COFUND-MANUNET III-MedIn-1, within PNCDI III, contract no. 33/2018, and by the Research Council of Norway, Grant: 283895, through the MedIn project, MNET17/NMCS-1204 – “New functionalized medical devices for surgical interventions in the pelvic cavity”.

Gary Chinga-Carrasco, “Nanocellulose – The little giant in the biomedical area”. Invited keynote (In Spanish), NANOCELIA Workshop, June 27th, Girona, Spain.
Journal Articles
Ioana Chiulan, Ellinor Bævre Heggset, Ştefan Ioan Voicu, Gary Chinga-Carrasco (2021). Photopolymerization of Bio-Based Polymers in a Biomedical Engineering Perspective. Biomacromolecules 2021, 22, 5, 1795–1814,
Chinga-Carrasco G, Johansson J, Heggset EB, Leirset I, Björn C, Agrenius K, Stevanic JS, Håkansson J, Characterization and antimicrobial properties of autoclaved carboxylated wood nanocellulose. Biomacromolecules 22(7), 2779-2789
Knutsen MF, Agrenius K, Ugland H, Petronis S, Haglerod C, Håkansson J and Chinga-Carrasco G. Oxygenated nanocellulose – A material platform for antibacterial wound dressing devices. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4, 10, 7554–7562
R&D partners:
RISE PFI (Coordinator), Oxy Solutions AS, The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Bucharest, LTHD corporation, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.