Contact: Øyvind Eriksen
Accredited testing of physical and optical properties of pulp and paper
RISE PFI strives to offer the broadest range of analyses to the traditional pulp and paper industry, including analyses of wood chips, pulp and paper. We have a well-equipped laboratory and provides analyses of most properties relevant for today’s pulp and paper industry. As the only accredited research institute in Norway working with pulp and paper, highly accurate and reliable measurements are guaranteed.

Selected equipment
- Air laid hand sheet former
- FibreXpress (pressability studies) – Voith
- Dynamic Absorption and Contact Angle Tester, FIBRO DAT 112
- Climate chamber, Termaks KB8000F
- Chip classifier – Laboratory (L&W)
- Chip classifier – Industrial (Vibrator A/S)
Selected methods
Wood and chips
Wood chips – Sampling | SCAN-CM 41 |
Wood chips – Dry matter content | SCAN-CM 39 |
Wood chips – Size distribution | SCAN-CM 40 |
Wood chips – Bark content | SCAN-CM 42 |
Wood chips – Basic density | SCAN-CM 43 |
Wood chips – Bulk density | SCAN-CM 46 |
Wood chips – Thickness and thickness distribution | SCAN-CM 47 |
Wood chips – Length and width distribution | SCAN-CM 48 |
Wood chips – Fibre dimensions – Maceration | Internal RISE PFI method |
Fibre and pulp
Dry matter content | ISO 638 |
Stock concentration | ISO 4119 |
Fibre fractionation – Bauer McNett | SCAN-CM 6 |
Ash – Determination, 525°C | ISO 1762 |
Drainability – Schopper Riegler (SR) | ISO 5267-1 |
Drainability – Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) | ISO 5267-2 |
Water Retention Value (WRV) | SCAN-C 62 |
Fibre dimensions (FiberTester Plus) | Internal RISE PFI method |
Brightness – Laboratory sheets | ISO 3688 |
Shive content (PFI Minishives) | SCAN-M 13 |
Laboratory beating – PFI mill method | ISO 5264-2 |
Lab sheets for physical testing – Conventional sheet former | ISO 5269-1 |
Lab sheets for physical testing – Dynamic sheet former | Internal RISE PFI method |
Lab sheets for physical testing – Rapid Köthen | ISO 5269-2 |
Laboratory sheets – ISO Brightness | ISO 3688 |
Water absorption pulp | Internal RISE PFI method |
Fluff pulp
Nit content | Internal RISE PFI method |
Absorption under load | Internal RISE PFI method |
Paper and board
Structural properties:
Basis weight | ISO 536* |
Thickness and density | ISO 534* |
Moisture content – oven drying method | ISO 287 |
Ash – Determination, 525°C | ISO 1762 |
Ash – Determination, 900°C | ISO 2144 |
PPS Print-surf method (air leak method) | ISO 8791-4* |
Bendtsen (air leak method) | ISO 8791-2 |
Air permeance and air resistance, Gurley | ISO 5636-5* |
Gloss, Lehmann | SCAN-P 80 |
Conductivity, aqueous extracts | ISO 6587 |
pH, aqueous extracts | ISO 6588 |
Ageing, accelerated, dry heat treatment at 105°C | ISO 5630-1 |
Ageing, accelerated, dry heat treatment at 120 or 150°C | ISO 5630-4 |
Hygroexpansivity, up to a maximum rel. humidity of 86 % | ISO 8226-2 |
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) | ASTM E96/E96M-10 |
Paper electrostatic properties (JCI instrument) | Internal RISE PFI method |
Optical properties: | |
Brightness | ISO 2470* |
Opacity | ISO 2471 |
Light scattering and light absorption coefficients | ISO 9416 |
Color, (C/2°) | ISO 5631 |
CIE-whiteness, (D65/10°), outdoor daylight | ISO 11475 |
CIE-whiteness, (C/2°), indoor illumination conditions | ISO 11475 |
Mechanical properties: | |
Tensile index (tøyning, TEA, stiffness) | ISO 1924-2 and 3* |
Fracture toughness | SCAN-P 77 |
Tearing resistance, Elmendorf | ISO 1974* |
Internal bond strength, Z-strength | Tappi T 541 |
Stiffness, resistance to bending | ISO 2493 |
Stiffness, Taber | Tappi T 489 |
Friction | Internal RISE PFI method |
Absorption properties: | |
Water absorptiveness – Cobb method | ISO 535 |
Contact angle, FibroDat 1100 | Tappi T 558 |
Physical and optical testing

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.
- Høgskoleringen 6b
- NO - 7491 Trondheim
- +47 73 60 50 65