RISE PFIFocus areasBiorefining and BioenergyBiobased chemicals from tree bark in Trøndelag
Biobased chemicals from tree bark in Trøndelag

Bark contains a variety of chemicals that protect the tree

There are large quantities of available tree bark in Trøndelag, which today is mainly used for incineration. The bark is separated from the trees under wet conditions at sawmills or other wood processing factories. Wet bark must be dried or pressurized before incineration. Bark contains a variety of chemicals that protect the tree from dehydration and fungal, bacterial or virus infections.

The main goal of this project is to identify the chemicals with potential commercial value and investigate the possibility of extracting and isolating them. The project also aims to evaluate and test applications such as glue or foam forming.

Chemicals from tree bark

Research partners and funding:

Research partners

RISE PFI will act as innovation partner for regional industry companies. Relevant industry partners can be providers of raw material or end users of the biobased chemicals.


The project is funded by Trøndelag Fylkeskommune


Project period: 2021 – 2023