Fibre technology and fibre-based products
Optimized and efficient technologies for conversion of sustainable raw materials into innovative and functionalized fibre-based products are a central research area at RISE PFI
Forest-based ligno-cellulosic biopolymers are expected to play a major role in the transition from fossil-based industries and products towards a resource-efficient and sustainable bio-economy. Effective and optimized conversion technologies are a pre-requisite to fully utilize the potential of ligno-cellulosic fibres.
RISE PFI has for many years built up extensive experience and competence within fibre-process interactions in mechanical pulping, and has a long history as a preferred research partner for the pulping industry. Development and implementation of novel and cost-efficient fibre conversion technologies has contributed to maintaining and strengthening the competitiveness of our industrial partners.
As the market for traditional fibre applications – such as printing papers – has been rapidly changing, novel perspectives evolve, including functionalized packaging and absorption materials, nanofiber production, fibre-based composites and bio-refinery applications. In close cooperation with actors along the entire forest-based value-chain, RISE PFI has successfully established a number of research projects targeting innovative bio-fibre processing and functionalization.
Wood fiber-based construction products manufactured by a wet process
Next generation food packaging materials – wood fibre-based packaging with biobased water and gas barriers
Thermoformed fibre products for functional and sustainable packaging of fresh food
Biobased foam
Biobased foams can have useful properties for several applications
Textile recycling in Trøndelag
Textiles from households must be recycled by 1 January 2025
Replacing fossil fuel-based plastic products
Recycling of wood
Recycling of demolition wood at Retura IR
Green fibre
in asphalt production
The Woodworks! Cluster
A new generation beverage carton
3D formed fibre packaging
Dry Fibre Forming
New technology for improved control of the production of mechanical pulp from wood chips
Construction products based on wood and wood fibers
Textile production
A sustainable alternative to petroleum-based and cotton-based fibres
Previous projects

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.
- Høgskoleringen 6b
- NO - 7491 Trondheim
- +47 73 60 50 65