RISE PFISustainabilityClimate action
UN Sustainability Goal 13:Climate action

Our research and innovation projects support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in different ways. We develop new materials, chemicals and energy products based on renewable raw materials that can substitute fossil-based products or other products with high carbon footprint.

Examples include:

  • Biofuels as substitution of fossil-based fuels
  • Biocarbon as reductant in metal production, substituting fossil coal
  • Biobased packaging materials, substituting fossil-based plastic
  • Biobased chemicals

Further, we develop new processes or process improvements leading to reduced energy consumption in industry processes. We also develop processes for production of biocarbon grades for soil enhancement. As the biocarbon is not degraded in the soil, biocarbon for soil improvement will also bind carbon. Hence, our research supports UN sustainability subgoal 13.2, specifically target 13.2.2:

Target 13.2.2: “Total greenhouse gas emissions per year.”

UN sustainability subgoal 13.2

Examples of projects at RISE PFI supporting UN sustainability goal 13.2 are given below:


Thermoformed fibre products for functional and sustainable packaging of fresh food

Biobased foam

Biobased foams can have useful properties for several applications

Recycling of wood

Recycling of demolition wood at Retura IR


Replacing fossil fuel-based plastic products


Construction products based on wood and wood fibers


New technology for improved control of the production of mechanical pulp from wood chips

Green fibre

in asphalt production


A new generation beverage carton


3D formed fibre packaging

Dry Fibre Forming


Biobased manganese ore sintering process


The Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory


Production of ArbaCore pellets and feed protein from wood (ArbaFeed)


Upgrading contaminated organic waste feedstocks by pyrolysis


An economical and sustainable replacement of the current fish feed products


Sustainable fish feed from Norwegian forest-based biomass


Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy


New technology for decentralized production of biocarbon for growth media products.


Coproduction of biocarbon reductant material and biogas transportation fuel


Manufacturing of lignin-rich nanocellulose


Nanofibril production using plasma


New Hybrid Paper


Potato fiber as texturizer in food

Textile production

A sustainable alternative to petroleum-based and cotton-based fibres


Processing of residual products from grain industry in Trøndelag county

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden

RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.



  • Høgskoleringen 6b
  • NO - 7491 Trondheim
  • firmapost@rise-pfi.no
  • +47 73 60 50 65