Biorefining and Bioenergy
RISE PFI has in-depth experience of biorefinery technologies applying both thermochemical, chemical and biochemical conversion routes.
Our R&D activities within biorefining and bioenergy include energy densification of biomass, biomass conversion into solid and liquid biofuels, co-production of fibre materials and bio-chemicals, as well as new products derived from hemicelluloses, lignin and pyrolysis liquids.
Within thermochemical conversion, one research topic at RISE PFI is pyrolysis oil production using fast pyrolysis technologies. We have established a unique catalytic fast pyrolysis process development unit. Another research topic is production of biocarbon with tailored properties for different applications, including use as reductant for the metal industries, as soil improver and as activated biocarbon for filter and cleaning purposes.
As to chemical or biochemical conversion, RISE PFI has focus on developing new pretreatment technologies for efficient separation of hemicelluloses and lignin, as well as their conversion into high value-added products.
A unique pretreatment reactor system has been established at RISE PFI. This reactor system allows testing of solvent-based extraction of wood polymers at high temperatures for short retention times.
RISE PFI coordinates “NorBioLab: Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory”, a national research infrastructure for Bioenergy and Biorefinery Research in Norway.
New biobased epoxy compounds for high performance applications
Sustainable production of microalgae and downstream processing to products and ingredients for food and feed
Value creation from agrifood side streams within the circular bioeconomy
Green Wax Inhibitors and Production Chemicals based on Lignin
The Woodworks! Cluster
The Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory
Production of ArbaCore pellets and feed protein from wood (ArbaFeed)
Upgrading contaminated organic waste feedstocks by pyrolysis
An economical and sustainable replacement of the current fish feed products
Sustainable fish feed from Norwegian forest-based biomass
Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy
New technology for decentralized production of biocarbon for growth media products.
Biobased chemicals
Bark contains a variety of chemicals that protect the tree
Coproduction of biocarbon reductant material and biogas transportation fuel
Recycling of raw material from bio-based industry
Biobased manganese ore sintering process
Previous projects

RISE PFI is part of RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
RISE PFI is and internationally acknowledged research institute within processes and products based on lignocellulose. RISE PFI´s focus areas are Fibre technology and fibre-based products, Biorefining and Bioenergy and Biopolymers and Biocomposites.
- Høgskoleringen 6b
- NO - 7491 Trondheim
- +47 73 60 50 65