Kontakt: Gary Chinga Carrasco
Nye og innovative prosesser for gulv- og veggprodukter
Den overordnede ideen med prosjektet "ALLOC" er å utvikle helt nye og innovative prosesser for gulv- og veggprodukter. ALLOC skal ha unike overflateegenskaper, og overlegen slag- og ripebestandighet. I tillegg skal man bruke sidestrømmer til produksjon av gulv- og veggkomponenter, i tråd med prosjektpartnernes satsinger på sirkularitet og bærekraft.
Prosjektet er delfinansiert av Norges forskningsråd, og er et samarbeid mellom partnere fra industri, forskningsinstitutter og universiteter.
Nyheter i prosjektet
Tidsskrift artikler
Zarna, C., Chinga-Carrasco,G., og Echtermeyera T, A. Bending properties and numerical modelling of cellular panels manufactured from wood fibre/PLA biocomposite by 3D printing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 165, 2023, 107368. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359835X22005498
Zarna, C., Chinga-Carrasco,G., og Echtermeyera T, A. Biocomposite panels with unidirectional core stiffeners − 3-point bending properties and considerations on 3D printing and extrusion as a manufacturing method. Composite Structures Volume 313, 1 June 2023, 116930. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026382232300274X?via%3Dihub
Tidsskrift artikler
Chiara Zarna, Sandra Rodríguez-Fabià, Andreas T. Echtermeyer and Gary Chinga-Carrasco. Influence of Compounding Parameters on the Tensile Properties and Fibre Dispersion of Injection-Moulded Polylactic Acid and Thermomechanical Pulp Fibre Biocomposites. Polymers 2022, 14(20), 4432. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14204432https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/20/4432
Amit Tewari, Hugo Huerta, Gary Chinga Carrasco, Leif Kåre Hindersland, Samuli Ranta, Fredrik Pettersson, Ronald Österbacka and Martti Toivakka. Low-Cost Dielectric Sheets for Large-Area Floor Sensing Applications. Flexible and Printed Electronics (2022). https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-8585/ac968b/meta
Chiara Zarna, Sandra Rodríguez-Fabià, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, GaryChinga-Carrasco: Preparation and characterisation of biocomposites containing thermomechanical pulp fibres, poly(lactic acid) and poly(butylene-adipate-terephthalate) or poly(hydroxyalkanoates) for 3D and 4D printing. Additive Manufacturing 59, Part B, November 2022, 103166. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214860422005553?via%3Dihub
Chiara Zarna, Sandra Rodríguez-Fabià, Andreas Echtermeyer and Gary Chinga-Carrasco, “Influence of compounding parameters on the tensile properties and fibre dispersion of injection moulded polylactic acid (PLA) and TMP fibre biocomposites”, CIADICYP 2022 Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research, Biocomposite session, June 28- – July 1st, Girona, Spain
Tidsskrift artikler
Chinga-Carrasco G, Zarna C, Rodríguez-Fabià S, Leirset I, Tanase-Opedal M, Molteberg D, Echtermeyer A andHindersland LK. Side streams from flooring laminate production – Characterisation and recycling in biocomposite formulations for injection moulding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Zarna C, Opedal MT, Echtermeyer AT and Chinga-Carrasco G, Reinforcement ability of lignocellulosic components in biocomposites and their 3D printed applications – A review. Composites Part C, 6, 100171, open access
Forskningspartnere og finansiering
Prosjekteier er Alloc AS. FoU-partnerne er RISE PFI, NTNU og Åbo Akademi. Industripartnerne er Ranheim Paper and Board, Norske Skog Saugbrugs, Thor Magne Hansen og Sønn AS og RED Beaulieu.
Prosjektet er delfinansiert av Norges forskningsråd.